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그리운 오공 2011. 10. 2. 21:16

Satanic hand signal
[back] Symbolism [back] Satanism

[Some of these appear to be fakedThe Horned Hand or "Cornuto" represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat  (the Baphomet--probably a Reptilian in disguise). It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the occult. It is also used at heavy metal and rock concerts to affirm their allegiance to the music's message and the band members. Ref     It is similar to the sign for I Love you, but Helen Keller, who developed sign language, was into Theosophy (founded by Satanist Blavatsky), the satanic group that Krishnamurti rejected.
   Likewise the
The "V" Sign   has a good cover.]




...the (satanic) torch is passed..

"That is an old, well known greeting of one Satanist to another. Usually, the Illuminists are a lot more subtle and don't do that publicly."----Svali

Harley Clarke is allegedly the guy who in 1955 began the University of Texas "hook 'em horns" hand sign.  However, the sign itself has been around for millenia, long before Texas existed as a governmental entity let alone as a school. Where did it come from. We'd bet it was borrowed, perhaps deliberately from the Satanic movement to give a cover story excuse for those Satanists who are caught giving the signal. The U of T cover story is a "perfect" and an innocent excuse that will satisfy most ordinary folks whose curiosity might otherwise be aroused by more vigilant watchers. http://aoreport.com/2005_01-bushinaug-satan-signs.htm


Barrack Obama is pictured below giving the Illuminati sign of Baphomet. Yes, technically the thumb should be folded in, and his excuse is that it is the American Sign Language "I Love You." Just like Bush who pretended this was the Texas Longhorn sign, these Satanists need a cover story. Have you ever wondered why the ASL signal is so similar to the sign of Satan? ASL was financed by the Rockefellers and devised by Helen Keller, a theosophist i.e. Mason. [2008 Oct] Illuminati Bankers Seek "Revolution" by Economic Means by makow

Blake Lively Cristiano Ronaldo Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Tarantino Robbie Williams


A bovine devil moos in Penn--DB Miley Cyrus

The Texas Longhorn


Actress Meryl Streep gives the sign of the Devil













  thaksin shinawatra (Thailand)















This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio's singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal.






Benny Hinn, Master Freemason Kenneth Copeland. A False teacher we've warned about for years for numerous false doctrines he's taught including salvation by works which makes him a non-Christian or a pretender Christian from the outset. He and fellow mason Oral Roberts (Richard Roberts, too? we're not sure) share their masonic membership well together. Rodney Howard Browne- The guy from South Africa who started the "Holy Laughter" movement which really caught attention at the "Toronto Blessing" phenomenon after it first began in the spring of 1989 in a small town in New York. He has enjoyed a close association with the likes of Benny Hinn, Oral and Richard Roberts, TBN's Paul and Jan Crouch, Marilyn Hickey, John Wimber and many others similarly involved in the Word of Faith movement. http://aoreport.com/2005_01-bushinaug-satan-signs.htm




http://www.geocities.com/theawakeningnews/  http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2005/210105devilhand.htm http://aoreport.com/2005_01-bushinaug-satan-signs.htm


Bill Maher Flashes Satanic Hand Sign During HBO Comedy Special (August 27, 2007)
Hillary was pumping hands among a crowd of supporters when an Hispanic man flashed the Satanic sign to Hillary and Hillary flashed it right back to him. Brice Taylor turned to me and said: "Did you see that!". We were both amazed that Hillary would actually flash him back when she knew that she was being filmed.

Brosnan Pink

Lance Armstrong































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