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주의깊게 중동의 상황을 지켜봐야만 할 것입니다.
Bush and Stennis Pass Through the Strait of Hormuz
STRAIT OF HORMUZ (Nov. 12, 2011) The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) steam alongside one another in the Strait of Hormuz. John C. Stennis is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operation Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kenneth Abbate)
이스라엘의 공격에 대한 이란의 결전 성명!
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그는 밀봉된 에너지 concealed energy가 지금 준비되어져 있어서
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엊그제 바레인 항에 대기중인 미해군 5함대 전력에
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하지자드 장군은 이란 핵발전소의 핵개발작업은 멈출수 없다고 공언합니다.
그것은 이란 정부가 필요로 하는 기술이고 이것은 핵미사일 개발용이 아니라
평화적 사용을 위한 것이기에 핵주권에 해당하는 것이라고 천명합니다.
Iran to hurl Israel into dustbin of history
By Press TV pieces
Commander of the Aerospace Division of Iran's Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh told Fars News Agency on Monday that seeing Israel commit the folly of attacking Iran is “one of our greatest wishes.”
“A concealed energy has existed for some time now and we would like to use it to send the enemies of Islam and Muslims to the dustbin of history,” he added. (Candace, and they do and its not just the missles mentioned below. They with the support of Russia and China can completely suppress the military of Israel and US forever. )
Hajizadeh stressed that Iran would never cease developing its missile capabilities.
Earlier on Sunday, Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Gholam-Ali Rashid said Iran would strike all Israeli military and nuclear sites in case of a military confrontation with the Tel Aviv regime.
He said Israeli war rhetoric against Iran is a form of psychological warfare, stressing that Israel is in no position to take the risk of a military adventure.
The United States and Israel have repeatedly threatened Tehran with the "option" of a military strike, based on the allegation that Iran's nuclear work may consist of a covert military agenda.
Iran has refuted the allegations, saying that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the IAEA, it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
While Israel refuses to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities or to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty based on its policy of nuclear ambiguity, Iran has been subjected to snap International Atomic Energy Agency inspections due to its policy of nuclear transparency.
Israel recently test fired a new long-range missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The test was carried out at the Palmahim air base in central Israel.
This three-stage Jericho-3 missile, which is capable of delivering a 750-kilo warhead to a distance, is estimated to have a range of up to 10,000 kilometers. Paradoxically, Israel's new nuke-capable missile, which can target many parts of the globe, is not considered a threat in the eyes of the West.
MP/AZ/HGH http://www.presstv.ir/detail/211337.html
This shows 2 of our aircraft carriers going thru the Straight of Hormuz a few days ago. http://www.strategypage.com/military_photos/20111118215541.aspx
Also this: Sonic Booms Shake US Base in Bahrain. I have no idea what this is, but interesting. I suspect a warming by soviets heating the air space there with Plasma beams to create the booms. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/211494.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
출처 : 피터김의 체험 나누기 / Peterkim
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