짬뽕 등소평

[스크랩] UN NGO

그리운 오공 2012. 3. 9. 21:10

Lucis Trust – which originally went by the name ‘Lucifer Publishing’


Lucis Trust is one of the United Nations’ non-governmental organizations (NGO).  Their “Main Activity” according the Department of Public Information section of the UN is listed as “Humanitarian Affairs.”  One has to wonder why the UN would endorse an openly Luciferic organization.


UN과 NGO가 프리메이슨 산하 단체인 것을 증명하는 자료입니다.


출처  http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/

출처 : 영적 분별력
글쓴이 : 진실 원글보기
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