A mystery surrounds Tesla. His contributions, which were great and many, have descended into obscurity. Why?
Nikola Tesla, a Serbian scientist born in Croatia, was a humanitarian, a US patriot, and yes, an unbridled genius, though he has often been personified as the quintessential mad scientist. Perhaps his only real misdeed was being born ahead of his time.
Tesla’s idea was to be able to provide power equally to all people on Earth. At this time there are 2 to 3 billion people on this planet that can’t go home at night and turn on the lights. The people that can’t are living in poverty.
Tesla saw that there was a division between the haves and the have-nots. And he was determined to make electrical power equally available to all people on this planet… as a gift.
This is the story of the man that time forgot and the US government which did no justice to him.
If Tesla's physics and facts had been right, we would have this free energy now. For if the US Government covered it up, the Soviet and Chinese governments surely wouldn't have.
Global Research needs a good team of scientists to review articles that make scientific claims. Articles like this serve to discredit a site that we really need to be able to share with anyone with confidence we won't be leading them astray or discrediting ourselves.
There is no free lunch. There are few physics laws that prevent this. So free energy is not for tomorrow or for the day after or for the day after the day after. Stop talking or writing about things you don't know.
Familiarize yourself and your readers with the laws of thermodynamic. They give the reason why you can't have free energy.
Well..we've had almost a century for someone, anyone, to recreate Tesla's work, and with all of the resources of the modern world at their disposal, no-one's done it.
Forget government conspiracy - it's totally implausible that no-one else could have done it and not made it public.
ie no student, no engineer, no scientist.
Was Tesla such a genius that no-one can walk in his footsteps ?
Dr Nakamats is the closest so far with his cosmic particle energy generator.
Methinks Tesla's work will be forever envied but never duplicated.
I heard that the US military is working on a project to charge portable devices wirelessly or over the air. The US wants only its military to benefit from such technological benefits. HELL to the warmonger !
man you people are retarded, please do the world a favor and just be quiet. nothing you say has any value or hell even an ounce of intelligence. oh FYI morons the laws of thermodynamics are only applicable to a "closed system" as such you only serve to make your self seem ignorant by bringing them into play when people are talking about so called "free energy". when people talk about so called "free energy" systems don't be so naive and realize they are not talking about magic or a "free lunch" anymore then a dam or solar panels are a "free lunch" your just being ignorant, those are open systems that take free energy from the surrounding environment and turn it into energy for us. wow what a concept we live in an unimaginably vast universe of energy and matter!! oh wait, the matter is also more energy! god you people are sitting here whining about free energy is impossible, meanwhile you are all to stupid to realize you are living on a giant dynamo, yes a giant electrical generator is what your planet is! where do you think lighting comes from? Zeus? when was the last time someone filled up the tank on the earth? yo, someone tell the earth it has to stop spinning right now because its breaking the laws of thermodynamics.....
oh and to the noob who said "Well..we've had almost a century for someone, anyone, to recreate Tesla's work, and with all of the resources of the modern world at their disposal, no-one's done it.
Forget government conspiracy - it's totally implausible that no-one else could have done it and not made it public.
IE no student, no engineer, no scientist."
i refer you to the simple fact that over 2000 years ago in ancient Greece a man invented steam power........we still had to wait what close to another 2000 years for the industrial revolution? 2000 years? you mean to tell me no student, no engineer, no scientist in 2000 years could figure it out? yes, because the world is filled with idiots like you!
"yo, someone tell the earth it has to stop spinning right now because its breaking the laws of thermodynamics....."
thanks for the chuckle, bob!