연예계와 일루미나티의 연관성

Street Lights that Spy On You

그리운 오공 2012. 7. 13. 14:26

Street Lights that Spy on You

The company named Illuminating Concepts (can’t make that up), backed by the Department of Homeland Security, has launched its new product called Intellistreets. It is street lights equipped with a speaker system, motion sensors, video cameras, mics and other crap nobody wants. Remotely controlled using Wi-Fi technology, these street lights have some interesting advantages such as energy saving and whatnot. It however doesn’t take much of an imagination to grasp to frightening police-state, oppressive potential of these lights. I mean they can film you, record your conversations, and yell orders at you while displaying a video. Anyone who has read 1984 can definitely see the frightening similarities between the “telescreens” and the hidden mics of Big Brother and this technology.

Here’s the promotional video for the product.

And it won’t take decades to see this street light on our streets: Intellistreets is presently being installed in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
