Medical science information

Six steps to take today to naturally prevent breast cancer

그리운 오공 2012. 11. 3. 20:49

November 2, 2012 By  Leave a Comment

by: PF Louis (NaturalNews)

Take matters into your own hands and ignore the preventative measures offered by the Koman Foundation types, which actually function to snare you into the toxic and lucrative cancer industry early.

Here are six ways to stay away from the mainstream cancer industry and protect yourself from breast cancer.

(1) Komen/cancer industry early detection lies

Early detection methods promoted by these “charitable” groups actually help cause breast cancer. Mammograms emit highly carcinogenic radiation. Add this to the many false mammogram positives that put women into chemo or radiation treatments unnecessarily. (

According to Dr. John McDougall, by the time mammography detects cancers, “they have been growing eight to 14 years …by this time the disease has spread to the rest of the body and is unreachable by surgery or radiation.”

Fortunately, thermal imagery is safe and able to perceive tumors during their inception. After detection, more hazardous imagery may be needed for measurement purposes.

Search for thermal imagery locations here: Other accurate lab blood tests are available as well. Look in source (1) below under the “Other options for detecting cancer” section.

(2) Dietary preventative measures

Heavy red meat and alcohol consumption increase the risk of breast cancer. Most doctors don’t warn about consuming sugar even after cancer becomes obvious. They ignore the fact that cancer cells thrive on sugar. Synthetic artificial sweeteners cause other serious problems as well. Stevia and honey are okay.

Consume high amounts of green and cruciferous vegetables along with ample amounts of green tea. Use only organic cold pressed oils, such as olive, sunflower, or coconut oils. Avoid processed trans-fatty acid hydrolyzed oils and canola oil.

Make an effort to avoid fast foods and processed items, most of which contain GMOs. Have you seen the tumors on rats fed GMOs yet? (

(3) Avoid carcinogenic pollutants

Cigarette smoke from your smoking or from others contains one of the worst carcinogenics, cadmium. So do many batteries used today. Make sure they’re kept tucked away and properly disposed when spent.

Exhaust from gas driven vehicles adds carcinogens. Avoid too much exposure by driving your car with windows shut and recycling internal air while in heavy traffic.

Natural pesticides and insecticides are also available to replace those toxic items. (

(4) Topical toxins to avoid

Most commercial cosmetics contain carcinogens such as parabens and phthalates. Most underarm deodorants contain aluminum, which is toxic and carcinogenic. Shop for natural cosmetics in your local health food stores. Ditto for sun screens, which should only be used for extreme sun exposures.

Use only all natural detergents for your clothes, and seek non-perchloroethylene (non-perc) alternative technology dry cleaners. All the normally commercial stuff is carcinogenic.

Use natural insect repellent oils or sprays only. (

(5) Recommended supplements

Maintain a high blood level of vitamin D3 (NOT D2) to inhibit cancer cell growth. You should experience a moderate amount of direct sunlight, without glass between you and the sun, or use UVB tanning beds to increase your D3 blood levels.

Independent studies indicate that vitamin D3 blood levels measured with a 25(OH)D test should be above 50ng/ml. Some suggest 60 to 80 ng/ml to protect against cancer.

The recommended daily amounts (RDA) for supplementing D3 of 600 to 800 IU are not enough. It can take 4,000 to 10,000 units or more of naturally derived D3 supplements to get your D3 blood levels where they should be.

Other helpful supplements include CoQ10 vitamin C, and other antioxidants. Supplementing with resveratrol may inhibit estrogen growth factors that could lead to cancer causing hormonal imbalances.

(6) Keep your hormones balanced

Birth control pills, BPA in plastic food containers and inner linings of cans, and synthetic hormone replacement therapies (HRT) can actually be gateways to breast cancer by upsetting your sex hormone balance. Avoid them. (

Sources for this article include:
