Medical science information

Election predictions: The candidate in favor of GMOs, bankster bailouts and corporate domination will win!

그리운 오공 2012. 11. 4. 20:03

Mike Adams


I’m going to make a bold prediction about the outcome of the upcoming U.S. election: The winnerwill be the guy who supports GMOs and bankster bailouts. Which candidate is this? Well BOTH of them, of course.

In fact, I’m also 100% sure the winner will be the candidate who is in favor of going to war with Iran.

The winner will also be the guy in favor of increasing the size of government, either through entitlements or military spending.

Here are some other things I predict the winner will support:

• Continued erosion of civil liberties and the bill of rights

• The growth of federal power over states rights

• The continued currency monopoly of the private Federal Reserve

• The drugs-and-surgery health care system

• Continued criminalization of industrial hemp farming

• Continuation of electronic voting that allows corrupt political parties to steal elections

• Continuation of the Big Pharma medical monopoly over the U.S. healthcare system

• Continuation of the criminally-operated FDA, the corrupt USDA, the gang mafia DEA, and of course the gun-running ATF

• Continuation of the fluoride poisoning of the American people

• Continuation of nationwide vaccination programs that inject babies with mercury, MSG, aluminum and formaldehyde

• Continuation of the corrupt two-party political system and ongoing corporate lobbying that allows members of Congress to function as total sellouts

• Continued support of pesticide producers and the toxic contamination of the food supply with pesticide and herbicide residues

• Continued exploitation of children for medical experiments in America.

• Continued U.S. military presence in over 130 countries nationwide, making America the world’s most imperialistic, war-mongering nation in world history

• Continued multi-trillion-dollar debt spending, putting the United States into a position of never-ending debt leading to a total economic collapse

See, no matter who wins the White House, the People always lose.

The corporations win big! As does the Federal Reserve, the military industrial complex and the criminally-run pharmaceutical industry.

The lobbyists win, the pesticide companies win, the Wall Street banksters win, and the oil companies win.

That’s what this election is really all about: No matter how you vote on November 6th, the corporations win big and the People lose big.

The government gets bigger, the corporations gain more power, and the police state enslavement of America accelerates.

How do the People WIN?

America is already too far down the road to tyranny to turn back now. Ultimately, the only way this is going to be halted is through collapse, then revolution. That scenario is coming soon, by the way. And it may even accelerate depending on who occupies the White House for the next four years.

The current system of corruption, criminality and exploitation simply cannot be sustained. Therefore, it must end, and it’s going to end catastrophically because the bureaucrats in charge have no courage to make the difficult decisions needed to head this off.

When this current failed system does come to an end, it’s going to thrust the nation into a period of short-term chaos, and what’s important from that point is that intelligent, informed people like you (Natural News readers), are ready to jump in and shape the future society so that it is based on liberty and freedom rather than tyranny and enslavement.

That’s the game plan from here forward: Stay informed, stay healthy and be ready to step in after the collapse to help create a more fair, just and free society.

The current system is crumbling, no matter who wins the election. What we need as the human species is to evolve to a more free, abundant society that does not suffer under the oppression and tyranny of Big Government, Big Pharma, Monsanto and the evil corporate cabals.