Prophecy in relation to Freemason

Revolution or WWIII? The Petrodollar Scam

그리운 오공 2013. 1. 16. 11:38

Dave Hodges  The Commonsense Show

When the present gun control dance concludes, America could soon be doing a waltz with a different partner, World War III, as the globalists completely condition us to be absolutely submissive to their desires. If we surrender our guns and capitulate to the globalists, tens of millions of Americans will die from starvation, targeted genocide and world war. There is, however, another alternative, we could decide to enter into the tried and true ”three stage plan” of revolution. These two bipolar choices do not provide America with much of a middle ground. As this article will demonstrate, our future will be one alternative or the other. You may be wondering if this potential revolution will be violent? My answer to that question is that it depends of the actions of the bankers who have hijacked our government.

Revolution or WWIII The Petrodollar Scam

The Globalist Plan

America is so focused on the gun control issue, that we are failing to see the end game and this could lead us to not prepare accordingly. History shows that any nation that permits gun confiscation, in any form, invites genocide. However, the Second Amendment debate is a preliminary round to the world-wide conflict that will follow gun confiscation and the imposition of martial law.

1 Gun Confiscation The false flag attacks on America’s schools are being used as a pretext to seize the guns. And why does Obama and his puppetiers so desperately want our guns? Because America would never accept the brutal form of martial law and selective genocide which will be needed to subjugate the country and bend it to the will of the globalists.

2 Martial Law This is why DHS has ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. They know that at least some of us will not willingly submit to the coming conscription and the seizure of our assets. This is also why Obama signed into the law the NDAA so he could eliminate the leadership of the coming resistance movements without the negative attention and publicity of a trial. I believe step two will consist of house to house gun confiscation and the rounding up of perceived dissidents, the new terrorists if you will.

3 World War III will be staged following a series of false flag attacks in order to save the Petrodollar. This will be described in the following paragraphs.

Do you get it now?

As part of this three stage attack upon America, our country will be victimized by a series of involuntary conscriptions into either the military or a civilian labor brigade. Further, in scenes right out of the movie,The Hunger Games, the government plans to confiscate any of your valuable resources such as stored food, water, and of course, guns and ammunition. I do not need a crystal ball to make this prediction because Obama has already signaled his intentions as witnessed by the Obama issuance of the National Resources Preparedness Executive Order. This EO gives Obama unlimited power to control virtually every resource and impose virtual slavery upon any and all Americans. Read the Executive Order, it is eye opening as it is more draconian than anything ever conceived by the East German Stasi.

Why is Obama so hellbent on subjugating the American public? Simple, the bread and butter of the Federal Reserve, the Petrodollar, is being seriously threatened by Russia, China, India and Iran.

The Petrodollar Replaced the Gold Standard

The United States has debt, crushing debt, which makes the former Weimar Republic look solvent by comparison. Unfortunately, the United States abandoned the gold standard a long time ago.  What then keeps our economy from degenerating into a trading and bartering society resulting from a collapsed dollar?

The United States’ good economic fortune is due solely to the fact that world must use the dollar, the Petrodollar if you will, in order to make their nation’s individual oil purchases and this provides the only source of backing for the U.S. dollar that the Federal Reserve requires in order to somewhat sustain our back breaking debt that the banker occupied United States government has passed along to the American taxpayer in the form of bailouts. Despite the economic pain associated with the enormous debt caused by the Wall Street contrived Ponzi schemes associated with the now infamous derivatives, America’s economy has proven to be very resilient. However, if the artificial global dollar demand, made possible by the Petrodollar system, were ever to crumble, our days of economic dominance would abruptly end and the resulting economic chaos would be followed by the need to impose martial law on a starving public. Again, tens of millions of Americans will die in this scenario.

The Communist Nations Are Challenging
the Dominance of the Petrodollar

Unfortunately for every man, woman and child in America, that day of economic reckoning is quickly approaching. China has commenced buying Iranian oil in gold. India has followed suit, as have the Russians. The days of the Petrodollar are numbered and therefore, so is the only source of backing of our dollar. Have you and your family prepared for the collapse of the dollar and ultimately the collapse of society?

mersLike most Americans who have awakened from their slumber, I came to realize that the Federal Reserve Board is responsible for most of the evil perpetrated in the world and I personally loathe the organization. It is hard not to cheer the fact that the days of Federal Reserve Board dominance may be coming to an abrupt end. Yet, I would advise against popping the corks on the champagne bottles because, like it or not, America’s economic fortunes are tied to the health of the dollar and our precious dollar has come down with a terminal economic case of the Asian flu. If the Federal Reserve crashes and burns, so will everything that you have ever worked for. If the Federal Reserve collapses over this impending crisis, the resulting economic holocaust will make the United States unrecognizable within a very short time and your personal fortunes will sink right along with these notorious robber barons who are feverishly involved in stealing as many home mortgages as possible through schemes like the robosigners of MERS. The Federal Reserve, the same people who perpetrated the MERS fraud, is also involved in buying up mortgage backed securities in an attempt to garner the lion’s share of the housing industry. And if you didn’t hear, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals made it legal for the banks to steal your deposits. Don’t think for a moment that these events are not contrived by the bankers to get as much as they can, of the public’s assets, in as short of time as possible in this time of crisis. The banksters clearly know what is coming and they are in the process of stealing your assets in order to soften the blow of a collapsing dollar and their “Golden Parachute” will be awarded to them courtesy of your hard earned assets.

Surely, there must be something that can be done to avert this coming train wreck? Can’t the United States simply employ economic sanctions and force Iran to its knees? Without the cooperation of Russia, China and India, economic sanctions and an oil embargo will not be effective and subsequently, the United States cannot force Iranians back to the negotiating table over the oil issue. The situation is somewhat reminiscent with happened in the lead up to the 2003 Gulf War when Iraq tried its hand at circumventing the Petrodollar system with under the table deals with France and Germany in which the Euro would be used to purchase oil. Saddam Hussein underestimated the Federal Reserve Board’s reach and paid for this miscalculation with his life because he did not have the support of powerful military allies. Iran is quite a different matter as they have friends, very dangerous friends who mean America harm.

If the United States seeks to reverse the trend which seeks the abandonment of the Petrodollar system, war seems to be the only option left to the bankers. Logic would seem to dictate that the military option will be employed and therefore, it should be a simple matter to ratchet up the rhetoric and seize the Iranian oil fields and force capitulation. Subsequently, shouldn’t the United States dust off an old familiar game plan and create a false flag event, similar to the Gulf of Tonkin? Undoubtedly, this is what the Federal Reserve desires in a last ditch effort to save the Petrodollar system. However, an act of war needs a pretext. Therefore, we can count on the fact that a series of false flag attacks will be utilized by Federal Reserve friends at the CIA in order to justify the coming war with Iran. I predict that we will see previously unimaginable false flag attacks which will be falsely pinned on Iranian based terrorism. This is when theNational Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order comes into play and Obama will conscript people and resources in a last ditch effort to save the Petrodollar in World War III

More Details on the Globalist Plan Unveiled

Interestingly, the globalists have left clues which clearly signals their intentions as well as a fair amount of their game plan. In order to inflict maximum casualties for the desired emotional reaction from the American people, namely fear and submission, malls and sports stadiums are conspicuously effective targets for imaginary terrorists especially when one considers that the Simon Property Group, the largest owner of malls in North America, as well as all of the professional sports leagues have just entered into a “See Something, Say Something” partnership with the Department of Homeland Security. When one considers the massive purchase made by DHS of 7.5 million pounds of ammonium nitrate, which was used to blow up the Oklahoma City Federal Building, it does not take much foresight or skill in dot connecting to see where this scenario is heading. For the unaware, the false flag strategy has already become operational as Libyan Ambassador Stephens death was merely the first of these false flag attacks which will be used to chart a course for war against Iran and its neighbor, Syria. And why is Syria being destabilized? Because it is the doorway which is needed to attack Russia with medium and long range weapons.

Chinese President Hu

Chinese President Hu

Creating the pretext for fighting a war, and then successfully selling the American public on the need to fight the war, is one thing. However, winning the war, is quite another. How serious are the Chinese and Russians at standing up to the imperialistic United States? Considering that both Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade either Iran or Syria. The prudent opinion says that this is the newest version of the “Axis of Evil’s” line in the sand.

China, India and Russia have pinned their economic futures on the fact that they are divorcing themselves from the debt-ridden dollar and are charting a new economic course with gold as the baseline. They are not going to back down.

Legitimate Threats of War

russian military

To put muscle behind the collective defiance to the Petrodollar system, China brags that it can place 100 million men on the battlefield. Russia maintains over 1300 nuclear missiles and India joined the nuclear weapons fraternity a long time ago. As you read these words, you may be wondering if the conflict would escalate into a nuclear confrontation. I have a hard time imagining a situation in which the losing side would not resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons as a best case scenario. Ask yourself, if your country was faced with economic and military obliteration at the prospect of losing World War III, what would the losing side gain by keeping their nuclear missiles sitting quietly in their respective bunkers?

china military

The Federal ReserveIs Going For Broke


Is the Federal Reserve controlled United States government really insane enough to launch such a dangerous and potentially catastrophic war? The better question is, what do they have to lose? In the past, the Fed has created fortunes through OPM, other people’s money. They will employ the same strategy in WWW III, as the Federal Reserve will prosecute this war with your money and risk your adult children to carry out their last ditch fanatical mission designed to save the Federal Reserve.

Formerly, India was purchasing 12 billion dollars per year for the privilege to purchase oil and we loved India all the way to the bank. Unfortunately, India has joined the revolt against the Petrodollar by starting to buy Iran’s oil with gold. And the situation has even worsened as it appears that China has even begun to monetize gold which could spell the end of the fiat currencies in the United States and the EU. The Petrodollar is doomed and so is our way of life unless America can make the Iranians capitulate and stick to the antiquated Petrodollar system.

Must We Sleep With the Devil?

I never thought I would be on the same side of an issue as I am with the Federal Reserve because the alternatives are not pleasant. on one hand, we can enter a dangerous war which threatens our very existence. on the other hand, we face an economic holocaust of epic proportions. And even if we are lucky enough to survive the coming war with our economy intact, the American people face the prospects of runaway inflationary effects of QE3 which has no monetary or time limits.

Of course, we could have developed alternative energy sources for which the world would have been beating a path to our door but that would not have suited the oil dominated Federal Reserve. There is one other possiblity, debt repudiation. Over 90% of the debt of modern sovereign nations is derived from the failed banking scams in which the globalists have coerced national governments to assume their debts inside of their national budgets. Therefore, short of capitulation to the globalists, the simple answer seems to be to repudiate the debt owed to these gangsters consisting of all mortgages, all credit card debts and all student loans. All debts, must be written off and let the Wall Street cards fall where they may. However, since most of this debt is owed to the Federal Reserve dominated Wall Street bankers, debt repudiation will not occur without a full scale civil war, because the bankers are not going to willingly sacrifice their main cash cow. If the bankers are willing to start a world war, don’t think for a second that they will not initiate a civil war to preserve their bottom line. Therefore, I can only see one answer if we are to avoid this impending disaster, and it is the only sane answer for the quandary in which we find ourselves. Do you know what that one answer consists of? I will get to that one thing, shortly.

Meanwhile, the chess pieces are being placed on the game board in preparation for WWIII.

What Options do the American People Have?

If we, as a country submit to the will of the bankers, tens of millions of us will die. Many think we can change course by changing our elected officials. I wish that were true and I continue to pay lip service to this end. However, I believe, as do many of you do, that this is a fools errand. The second, and the only other option that we have is revolution.

The Three Stages of Every Revolution

Many of us believe that the revolution has already begun. Historians tell us that there are three stages of revolution. The first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas, an information war. This is what I am trying to accomplish on my website and on my talk show. I see the enemy at the gate while most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the attack. We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner.

It should now make sense to you on why 98% of the media is controlled by business interests, controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve. In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows. We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tryannical government.

walmart sucks

Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience or nonviolent resistance. Thanks to Obama, he has given Americans the perfect pretext to begin to resist our criminally controlled government. No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies. If this does not stem the tide of tyranny sweeping the country, then withhold your money. Stop paying taxes as much as possible. Do not shop in the corporate chain stores controlled by Federal Reserve members such as Walmart or any other well known entity. Shop local and begin to trade and barter with your neighbors and friends. Buy gold and silver and get of the corrupt Petrodollar as much as possible. In short, stop feeding the beast. Practiced en masse, these financial practices are often enough to bring a criminal government to its knees. However, if stage two does not bring the criminal banksters to their knees, stage three is unavoidable.

gun control4

Stage three is direct physical confrontation with the powers that be. In this case, our enemies will be comprised of whatever minions that the Federal Reserve can bring to the fight. If Americans have done their due dilligence in stage one, the majority of the military and the police will defend the people. However, they must know that the people stand with them. A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages. The first two stages are the necessary prerequisites needed to build the cohesiveness which is required to break out of the shackles of slavery which have been imposed upon us and upon our minds.

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built.Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not. Remember, an armed resistance will not succeed unless there is an atittude of defiance towards tyranny and the foresaking of the Constitution.

revolution 2

If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. Start an email distribution list. Talk to everyone you know. Post short notices about the tyrannical government at your community mailboxes. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors. And by the way, buy guns and ammunition. Hide some of your guns. If possible, buy the guns off the books so there is not a government list with your name on it. When martial law is imposed, have a predesignated meeting place for you and your family because cell phone communications may be down. Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers. Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust. Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to the plans of the New World Order. Build backup plans for your contingency plans. Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does.