![denied denied](http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/denied.png)
There can be no denying that unprecedented numbers of people, of all ages and creeds, are increasingly frustrated by the governmental and corporate financial machinations which keep them struggling to make ends meet while effectively jeopardizing their long-term potential to secure an adequate and fair standard of living.
Obama’s announcement this week of further government cutbacks (in the middle of a job crisis, no less) puts millions of people directly under the wheels of an economic steamroller that is being driven straight across themost vulnerable sectors of society.
Those who investigate deeper have come to see how the markets are manipulated by powerful figures to serve the interests of the few, the elite, the same individuals who control and determine economic trends and invariably direct them in their favour… at the expense of the broader public. As Paul Craig Roberts wrote:
“There was a time not that long ago when US corporations accepted that they had obligations to their employees, customers, suppliers, the communities in which they were located, and to their shareholders. Today they only acknowledge obligations to shareholders. Everyone else has been thrown to the wolves in order to maximize profits and, thereby, shareholders’ capital gains and executive bonuses.” (The Missing US Economic Recovery, Global Research, March 4, 2013)
Global Research has been bringing you a broad spectrum of voices analyzing these situations and we will continue to do so because we believe that access to information is the key to the truth. We encourage you to read as much as possible and discuss widely the issues on the table. Challenge yourselves and challenge each other, and in that way we will come to identify the real limits to our freedom and democracy and thereby determine the course of action that is right for us.
It is time to seek out the truth and engage in responsible decision-making.
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