DAMASCUS, April 21 (Xinhua) -- The Syrian troops reseized five towns in centralstrategic Homs province near the borders with Lebanon and repelled rebels attackagainst a military airport, killing over 100 militants, the pro-government al-Watan dailysaid Sunday.
After "heavy blow," the army recaptured several rebel-held towns around the town of al-Qussair in the Homs province, the paper said.
Also, the Syrian army ambushed rebels trying to storm the al- Daba'a airfield near al-Qussair, killing more than 100 of them.
Quoting sources, the paper said that about 500 rebels waged an attack against thebase to control it, but they were taken by surprise by a barrage of fire by the army,which killed over 100 rebels and drove out others.
In the northern city of Aleppo, the paper said that cleansing the road of theinternational airport of Aleppo would end within the next few days.
Meanwhile, other local media reports revealed that the Syrian troops managed toroundup a total of 280 rebel fighters during its recent military operations in suburbs ofthe capital Damascus, adding that 41 of those arrested were non-Syrians.
The exiled opposition groups called on the "capable countries" to bomb out the Syrianballistic rockets' launchers, contending that the administration of President Bashar al-Assad is firing ballistic missiles against populated areas in the northern region.
The opposition's demand came during a meeting of the so-called "Friends of Syria"group. The opposition also asked its western patrons to impose a no-fly zone on Syriato "facilitate the safe return of Syrian refugees."
However, the western powers have shown little appetite for involving militarily in Syria,offering instead a package of non- lethal aid to the opposition fighters.