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50 Things to Disappear During an Emergency

그리운 오공 2013. 5. 24. 20:10

Gaye Levy

There are lots of lists floating around the web citing the top items that will disappear following a disaster or emergency. Heck, I even posted a list a couple of years ago titled 100 Items Likely to Disappear First when the SHTF.

A while, back, however, Tom Sciacca fromCamping Survival came up with his own list of 50 things that would disappear from store shelves during an emergency. It is a great list especially since it is broken down into the categories of Food, Power and Light, Fun, First Aid and more. Today I would like to share that list with you.

50 Things to Disappear During an Emergency

But first I would like to announce the winner of the recent Camping Survival giveaway. After removing duplicates, there were 119 entries, each suggesting topics for Backdoor Survival. All good questions that I hope to address over the coming months.

Alas, there could only be one winner and “Bill” was selected at random. He is the winner of a Rothco Medium Transport Pack stuffed with a few hanks of paracord – all from Camping Survival, of course. Congratulations, Bill. I have contacted you by email for instructions for claiming your prize.

I would like to thank everyone for their entry. I have two exciting new giveaways coming up so be sure to watch for an announcement soon.

The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency [Tom]

Have you ever noticed how, whenever a big storm is predicted, people start rushing to stores to clean them out of ever food item and supply they have on the shelves? In one sense, it’s probably good that they are trying to anticipate the emergency, despite being last-minute about it. It sure beats those people who don’t bother to prepare at all, then complain when emergency services are overwhelmed by requests for assistance.

But why panic in the first place? Why not have a stash of necessary items always ready for such an emergency? Even if there isn’t a storm approaching, it’s nice to know that you don’t have to rush out to the store every time you run out of toilet paper. Keeping some extra around the house is always a good idea!

With this in mind, I decided to ask CampingSurvival.com’s Facebook fans what they felt were theemergency supplies that stores were most likely to run out of when people start to panic. Then I compiled the top comments in various categories so I could share it with you. Since this list is based on the comments of our Facebook fan page, some of the items (canned meat, for instance) may not be the absolute first things for a store to run out of, but are still items that you should consider having among youremergency supplies nonetheless.

Without further ado, here the list of the Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency, compiled by yours truly [Tom]:


1. Bread
2. Butter
3. Cereal
4. Coffee
5. Eggs
6. Flour
7. Fruit, canned and fresh
8. Honey
9. Meats, canned
10. Milk
11. Peanut butter
12. Pet food
13. Salt
14. Sugar
15. Vegetables, canned and root vegetables
16. Water


17. Batteries
18. Candles
19. Charcoal
20. Coolers
21. Flashlights
22. Gasoline
23. Generators
24. Glow sticks
25. Ice
26. Lamp oil and oil lanterns
27. Lighter fluid
28. Matches
29. Propane, propane stoves


30. Alcohol, drinking
31. Beer
32. Cigarettes
33. Condoms


34. Alcohol, rubbing
35. Antiseptic
36. Aspirin/pain relievers
37. Cold medicine
38. First aid kits


39. Feminine hygiene products
40. Paper plates/napkins
41. Shampoo
42. Soap
43. Toilet paper


44. Baby food/formula
45. Diapers


46. Duct tape
47. Plastic bags
48. Plywood
49. Radios
50. Rope

Now, before you file this away as mildly interesting reading, take this list and compare it to what you have stocked up. Check to see what you may be missing or what you need more of. And don’t forget that this is only a Top 50 list, so there are plenty of other items that I don’t have space to talk about in this (already long!) blog entry.

Feel free to offer feedback on our Facebook page and, as always, stay aware and prepared.

- Tom

Note: Tom Sciacca is a former US Marine, a veteran of the Gulf War, a survival enthusiast and President of CampingSurvival.com. He is a long time supporter of Backdoor Survival and an all-around nice guy.


Tom is 100% spot on when he says to take this list and compare it to what you have already on hand. Then, before buying extras of the things that you already have, fill in with missing items. Of course, add the other items that are particular to your situation and do the best you can to inventory, keep track of and rotate what you have.

As always, make every day a prepping day!

Read other articles by Gaye Levy here.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

Gaye started Backdoor Survival to share her angst and concern about our deteriorating economy and its impact on ordinary, middle-class folks. She also wanted to become a prepper of the highest order and to share her knowledge as she learned it along the way. She considers her sharing of knowledge her way of giving back and as always, we at Activist Post are grateful for her contributions.

If you would like to read more from Gaye Levy, check out her blog at http://www.backdoorsurvival.com/.
