Economy collapse

A Warning For Financial Markets, From A Bridge Collapse

그리운 오공 2013. 5. 29. 20:10

Disclosure: I am short SPYIWM(More...)

Just before Memorial Day weekend, a bridge on Interstate 5, north of Seattle suddenly collapsed sending cars and people into the freezing water 50 feet below. The collapse was captured on a surveillance camera from a nearby business. Looking at the video footage, it was clear that the collapse happened in a matter of seconds with no warning.

Source: NBC News

Prior to the collapse, cars and trucks passed over the bridge at an average rate of 71,000 per day with no reported problems other than a wide load on a truck that had struck a steel beam. The damage from the wide load was relatively small in reference to the superstructure of the bridge, so how could this happen? In a nation filled with engineers, on a federally regulated highway, on a bridge that has inspections every two years, how could it be that no one was made aware of any danger?