US raises false flag on Syria
Syrian Takfiri militants hold up their rifles in a Damascus neighborhood. (file photo)
Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:36PM GMT
By Prof. Rodney Shakespeare
Major war is in the making, but the only consolation is that the Takfiris are so vicious that they may yet end up attacking the gruesome totalitarian regimes of Saudi Arabia and other Middle East despots." Turkey will also pay a price for its unwise intervention in Syria.
A false flag is being hoisted. It is a big one, with garish colors, and it signals large-scale war.
Needless to say, it is the Americans who are doing the deceitful hoisting. When it comes to deceit, they are only outclassed by the Israelis.
Every sane person knows that, in Syria, it is the insurgents, particularly the Takfiri lunatics, who are using sarin gas. The evidence is clear. It includes videos as well as testimony from casualties and medical staff.
Moreover, the United Nations investigation under Carla Del Ponte reported that the rebel forces, not the Syrian government, are responsible."Sarin was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities," Del Ponte told Swiss TV.
But the USA, exhibiting its usual bullying arrogance, is bluntly asserting that the Syrian government is responsible. This is done on the Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's minister of propaganda) principle that if you are going to tell a lie, make sure it is big one.
On this principle, the USA denies its culpability for the events of September 11, 2001 in New York. on this principle, the USA conveniently forgets that, deliberately claiming weapons of mass destruction when there were none, it embarked on an aggression against Iraq resulting in one million deaths.
And, on this principle, the USA ignores the conclusions of all sixteen of its own intelligence agencies and, instead, says that Iran is building an atomic bomb.
Furthermore, every sane person knows that the Syrian government would be out of its mind to use sarin gas. This is because it (and everybody else) is only too aware that the USA, UK and France are doing everything they can to find an excuse to attack.
These are the lying countries which, claiming to promote democracy, are engaged in arming the Takfiri throat-slitters, head-choppers and cannibals.
NB. Do not underestimate the ferociousness of the Takfiris. They think that only they have a right to exist and that all other people, including fellow Muslims, can be killed.
On Thursday, the USA announced more military support for the Takfiris. And, using the false flag allegation that the Syrian government is deploying sarin, the Western governments are now thinking of imposing no-fly zone in southern Syria close to the Jordanian border. They are also thinking about using Turkey as an air force base.
Obama is going down the same path as did Bush for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He is being backed by the usual war-mongers like Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham who are calling on the US to provide "lethal assistance, especially ammunition and heavy weapons" to Syria’s rebels.”
The warmongers go even further and are demanding the help of crony allies as happened with Iraq.
“The President must rally an international coalition to take military actions to degrade Assad’s ability to use airpower and ballistic missiles and to move and resupply his forces around the battlefield by air,” they said.
Sometimes it seems that all American politicians are war-mongers and we must not forget ex-President Clinton now shouting for cruise missiles to be launched.
How can all this aggression be explained particularly as it involves purportedly democratic countries supporting and arming the most anti-democratic forces (the Takfiris) in the world? The answer is that the Zionists, who control all Western foreign policy, want all Islamic nations to be smashed apart so that they cannot provide effective opposition to the expansion of Israel.
What of Russia? Alexei Pushkov, head of a Russian foreign policy committee, says that the sarin allegation is being concocted in a similar fashion to the lies concocted about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction prior to the US invasion of the country in 2003.
The Russian government states that the USA’s sarin claims are ‘fabricated’ and ‘not convincing’ which is diplomacy-speak for completely untrue.
Yet diplomacy-speak is unlikely to stop the Americans. They want to impose a no-fly zone, close to the Jordanian border, stretching twenty five miles into Syria. Turkey, moreover (now having political unrest because its government is so foolish as to believe Western promises to make Turkey a new power in the Middle East) is also a possible base for implementing a no-fly zone.
On top of all this, there is supposed to be a Geneva peace conference, organized by the USA and Russia. only the USA could propose a peace conference while arming throat-slitters, head-choppers and gas-chokers.
Major war is in the making, but the only consolation is that the Takfiris are so vicious that they may yet end up attacking the gruesome totalitarian regimes of Saudi Arabia and other Middle East despots. Turkey will also pay a price for its unwise intervention in Syria.
And, if the Takfiris were to win in Syria, the Zionists will find that the Takfiris will directly attack Israel.