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The iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party was a two-day musical weekend that took place on June 29th at Fontainebleau in Miami Beach. The high profile event featured pop acts such as Miley Cyrus, Pitbull and Ke$ha. I wasn’t aware this even existed but when a VC reader sent me stills of Ke$ha’s set, I had to watch her performance as it appeared to be an extremely blatant, Illuminati-themed set. I watched the whole 50 minutes thing…and it was. My head is still hurting. If you can take it, here’s the performance.
The show begins with Ke$ha addressing her fans about being “misfits” and fighting for acceptance. How are her fans called? “Animals”… It’s as if this name was chosen by the elite that is laughing at the people who love this stuff.
The first thing we then see is a planet exploding and turning into a giant all-seeing eye. This pretty much sets the tone of the entire performance.
The audience then gets 50 minutes full of mind-numbing, hypnotizing symbolism.
While the above headdress looks like an esoteric, third eye, pineal gland type thing which usually refer to “spiritual enlightenent”, there isn’t much of that going on during that show. For instance, before the next song, Ke$ha asks the crowd:
“Do you guys like balls? I do. I love them. I love every kind of ball. I like big balls…I like little balls…I even like saggy balls, they don’t even bother me. That’s good news for the older people here. But my favorite ball, is an eyeball.”
She then does this.
Can Ke$ha display her servitude to the Illuminati in a clearer way? The answer is yes. Here’s what happens during that song.
The last song of the performance was Die Young. As I described in the article entitled The Illuminati Symbolism of Ke$ha’s “Die Young” and How it Ridicules the Indoctrinated Masses, the video of that song was pure Illuminati symbolism. Unsurprisingly enough, the performance was as well.
In short, this was what young people are paying to be exposed to. Pure, mind numbing, Illuminati symbolism with no real artistic meaning or content at all. Ke$ha’s last words of the show: “I hope you all get laid tonight!”. Such insight, such inspiration, such depth. Wow.