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Natural Remedies for Addiction: 25+ Ideas, Herbs, & Essential Oils To Help You Quit Smoking - See more at:

그리운 오공 2013. 12. 27. 16:20

Natural Remedies for Addiction: 25+ Ideas, Herbs, & Essential Oils To Help You Quit Smoking


Despite all our attempts at healthy living — i.e. subscribing to a nutrient dense diet and exercise — an addiction can get in the way of ultimate wellbeing.

Smoking, because of the nicotine found in cigarettes, is extremely addictive.

Natural Remedies for Addiction 25+ Ideas, Herbs, & Essential Oils To Help You Quit Smoking

You see, nicotine acts in one of two ways:

Nicotine works to stimulate three primarily body systems.

  • Central Nervous System
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Digestive System

For some folks – smoking settles nerves and bring calm.

Whichever the action, and secondary sensation experienced, smoking is a very difficult habit to kick.

Difficult…not impossible.

Although there are no easy ways to stop smoking, there are a multitude of natural remedies to help you quit that you can try that are not nicotine-based – like the most common mainstream, pharmaceutical nicotine replacement treatments.

To quit smoking naturally, all you have to do is educate yourself on the gifts available to help you quit smoking naturally. And of course, be determined to liberate yourself from the throes of nicotine addiction.

Ideas To Help You Quit

  1. Make a list. Write down all motivating reasons that brought you to the decision to quit. Post it somewhere as a constant reminder.
  2. Set a date. Having a goal – this could be weeks or months into the future — will allow you to stay focused and committed.
  3. Change it up. Switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don’t like.
  4.  Just stop. Don’t stop smoking cold turkey, but maybe set guidelines for yourself. Agree to stop smoking during certain hours of the day and gradually increase this time period. Soon enough, there won’t be any time left for a smoke.
  5. Make another list. This time, write down things that make you happy, joyful, and calm. When the temptation comes — choose these activities instead of smoking.
  6. Crafty you. Learn a new craft or skill…something that requires the use of your hands (i.e. knitting, drawing/sketching, cooking, crocheting, sewing, gardening…). I highly recommend learning new skills by taking a few online classes with Craftsy!
  7. Save your money. In a tucked away corner of your living space, place a jar. Fill it with the money you save from buying less cigarettes. You’ll be amazed!

Herbs To Help You Quit

  • Lobelia – contains the alkaloid lobeline, which acts as a temporary replacement for nicotine — satisfying the body’s craving.
  • Passion Flower & Oat straw – help to calm and nourish the nervous system, which will help with the irritability experienced during withdrawal.
  • Mullein — a plant smoked traditionally by Native Americans for lung healing (protecting against inflammation of the respiratory tract) and ceremonial purposes. (Try smoking this non-toxic, non-nicotine herb instead of tobacco by rolling its leaves in cigarette papers or via pipe. Purchase organic mullein leaf here…)
  • Ginger root – aids in restoring health and function to the digestive system and relieves nausea often associated with nicotine withdrawal (Chewing on pieces of fresh ginger root or candied ginger can help curb cravings. So can sucking on a whole clove.)
  • Skullcap – used effectively in the treatment of an overactive nervous system (most effective in relieving tension and anxiety).
  • Eleuthero Root — helps to build the immune system and supports the body during stressful times.
  • Echinacea Root & Garlic – both increase the lungs’ resistance to infection and disease. (Purchase the best whole Echinacea Tincture here. Or make this immunity powerhouse — Hot Echinacea Tincture — with my easy to follow recipe.)

Detox herbs such as those found in this detox tea are also vital in supporting the body’s transition away from the toxic effects of nicotine.

Several different preparations of the herbs listed above can be created at home or purchased. Look for teas, extracts, tinctures, or capsules. Use them whenever you have the desire smoke, up to six times a day.

Shop Mountain Rose Herbs. They have everything you’ll need by way of Bulk Herbs, Extracts, Capsules, and Natural Products for Healthy, Natural Living!

Essential Oils To Help You Quit

Essential oils can be used as a potent and effective treatment for smoking cessation. They work by helping you control the cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.

The use of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essentials oils is a safe and natural way to help alleviate irritability, anxiety, stress, fatigue and nervousness – which are most often symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Oils such as…

…can be use topically, aromatically, and/or as dietary supplements. (Note: For the highest medicinal value available – and the only oils I recommend to ingest — choose dōTERRA™  Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils for yourself, your family, and your friends. Click here to purchase…)

Quit Smoking Mixture

Mix 1 ounce of fractionated coconut, olive, or jojoba oil with 12 drops of any combination of ylang ylang, wild orange, chamomile, marjoram, and/or grapefruit pure essential oils. Store in a small glass dropper or roller top bottle. Apply oil to skin under nose or to a cotton ball and inhale with several deep breaths when the urge to smoke arises.

Detoxification Blend

Liver cleansing and detox is vital to overcoming an addiction to nicotine. Mix 1 ounce of your favorite plant-based carrier oil with 6-8 drops of Helichrysum essential oils and massage onto skin over liver and lungs. Likewise, dōTERRA®’s Zendocrine essential oil blend is a proprietary blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils of clove, grapefruit, rosemary, and geranium that have been studied for support of the cleansing organs of the body. Use as directed.

Digestive Blend

Many essential oils have been recognized through research as powerful agents to help restore normal balance in the digestive system — something much needed after tobacco abuse. DigestZen® takes advantage of these well-established therapeutic compounds in a proprietary blend of pure essential oils. Ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander and anise each have specific attributes which add to the overall efficacy of this potent blend.  When used internally, dōTERRA®’s DigestZen brings soothing digestive relief. Use as directed.

Respiratory Blend

Restoring the lungs and respiratory tissues is a key function during and after smoking cessation, and dōTERRA® essential oils are a perfect way to bring a sustained benefit. Breathe® is a remarkable blend of essential oils which combine to do just that, help you breathe easier. A proprietary blend including laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon and ravensara cleanses and soothes the airways, and can easily be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. Its pleasant aroma is calming to the senses and perfect for diffusion at home or at work.

Relaxation Mixture

Diffusing oils such as lemon, ylang ylang, grapefruit, marjoram, roman chamomile, and the like will promote feeling of calm and relaxation. Other oil blends such as Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend), Elevation (Joyful Blend), Purify (Cleansing Blend), and Serenity (Calming Blend) can be used as needed. (Click this link to learn about each of these therapeutic blends.)

Where Can I Get This Stuff?

-Mountain Rose Herbs…they have everything you’ll need by way of Bulk Herbs, Organic Carrier Oils, and Natural Products for Healthy, Natural Living!

-For the ultimate all-natural healthcare alternatives choose dōTERRA™  Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oilsClick here to purchase… Click here to read more about Herbs & Essential Oils…

-Starwest Botanicals and The Bulk Herb Store also carries many of the herbs recommended in this post if you’d like to price check.

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