The Bromberg Holocaust or Why Hitler Invaded Poland
As is the case with most of the historical narrations concerning the persecution of Jews in the 20th century, we are usually only given the second half of the story, while the first half is swept under the rug of controlled historical censorship. All historical events begin with an initial action or set of actions, which in turn produce a chain of subsequent reactions.
However, when it comes to the history of Jewish persecution, we are usually only told about the reaction side of the story, and more often than not, it is portrayed as the first side, or initial reaction side of the event.
We are told that the enraged bull killed the matador, but are not told that the bull was initially provoked by the picadors who can no longer be seen within the arena.
The Jews are always portrayed as the victims of sudden, out-of-nowhere bursts of irrational hatred and aggression, but are never shown as the initiators of actions which in turn produce a general persecution against Jews as a group.
We see this phenomenon in relation to the Nazi persecutions of Jews in Germany, beginning with the decreeing of the Nuremberg Laws on September 15, 1935 by the German Reichstag.
What mainstream historians always neglect to add to this narrative is that the German people by 1935 had found out about the Balfour Declaration which had prolonged WWI after Germany had already won the war; that the hand of British Zionism was highly influential in the post-war imposition of massive, economically crippling reparations on Germany through the Treaty of Versailles; that this sent Germany into a financial depression which allowed wealthy Jewish interests to essentially buy German industry and infrastructure at a deep, desperate discount; that German Jews working on behalf of international Bolshevism sought to wage a communist revolution against the German state; and that on top of all this, these mainstream historians always conveniently leave out the part of the story where, on March 24, 1933 the World Zionist Congress in Geneva and the militant, right-wing Revisionist Zionists, headed by the Russian Vladimir Jabotinsky, declared on the front pages of European newspapers world Jewrys war on Germany and her people, accompanied, of course, by an international boycott against German exports (so that Germany would not be able to pay its imposed reparations and essentially go bankrupt).
These historians always leave out passages from newspapers of the time such as Londons The Daily Express or the Jewish newspaper Natscha Retsch which proclaimed at the beginning of 1933:
'The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed.
The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time. . . .
In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.
In our school day history classes we were always simplistically taught that in January 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, and because he was a natural-born Jew hater, he immediately, from day one, used his power to begin persecuting the innocent Jews of Germany simply because he hated their religion, or maybe he hated their freedoms (cf. the Zionist-devised 9/11 myth).
He was a Christian, they were all Christ killers, and he decided to thus persecute the Jews because of these reasons, end of story.
In history class we were never told the first part of this story ”the initial âaction side of the equation”in which German Jews (as pawns in the hands of Zionist ideology), beginning with the 1919 Spartacist Uprising, had basically begun conducting themselves as an enemy fifth column within the state. Here is a good historical tip for such fifth columnists (cf. new U.S. President Rahamim Israel Emanuel):
If you openly declare war against a state (any state) and its people from within that state, you should EXPECT to get rounded up as enemies of the state. This type of political reaction against an initialreaction of a declaration of national treason has absolutely nothing to do with racial, ethnic, or religious hatred, and portraying it as such is historically and morally disingenuous to say the least.
Why the German Reich invaded Poland in September 1939, an event which has nothing whatsoever to do with Hitlers oft touted desire to conquer the world. Germany in fact did not invade Poland in 1939. Germany was invading the Danzig corridor, also known as West Prussia.
The Danzig corridor was originally part of Germany until the Zionist conquistadors at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference gave it away to Bolshevik and Zionist-friendly Poland. Most of its residents were German nationals, and before Hitler rolled the treads of a single tank across the Versailles imposed Polish-German border, or before the first gate of any Nazi political detention work camp was even opened, a real Holocaust was visited upon the German civilians of the Danzig corridor in which 58,000 Germans were brutally massacred in the streets of their towns by Polish gangs of Zionist Jews and Bolsheviks.
In 1937 Hitler negotiated a deal with Poland that would give Germany a one-mile wide strip of land providing Germany access to its province of East Prussia which had been separated from West Prussia (the Danzig corridor area) and the rest of Germany because of the land divisions of the Versailles Treaty. In 1939 the negotiations were nearly completed on a positive note when Poland suddenly broke off all talks. on March 31, 1939 Britain and France had given Poland assurances that if Germany attacked it to retake its territory given away at Versailles, the British, French, and the U.S. would defend Poland. Rydz Smigly, commander of the Polish armed forces, and Polish president Ignacy Moscicki, emboldened by these guarantees, began threatening Hitlers government.
Threatening to overrun Germany in three days, General Smigly stated that, Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to.
Among the massacres in the Danzig corridor committed against the civilian ethnic German populace by Polish Jews of the Bolshevik NKVD and Polish Army, the most infamous massacre is the one that took place on what has been called Bloody Sunday, September 4, 1939 in the town of Bromberg. For several months before Germanys invasion of Poland the Polish Bolsheviks, Zionist Jews of the Russian NKVD, and Polish Army units, confident that they were about to lure Germany into war and then defeat it, began the mass killings of German nationals living in the Danzig corridor.
Many of these thugs and psychopathic murderers were also seeking to appropriate, through their genocidal acts, the German rich farmlands and businesses. Prior to Hitlers 1939 invasion, an estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in a murderous Holocaust that had been carried out against them from as early as April 1939, with some incidents going back as far as the end of WWI. The German government had lodged dozens of formal written protests to the completely useless League of Nations, but with no results, nor even a single word of condemnation (cf. the also completely useless U.N. and Israels 60+ years of genocide against the Palestinians).
On Sunday, September 1-4????, 1939, gangs of Jewish Bolsheviks and NKVD members from Ponz, Warsaw, and Lodz, protected by the Polish Army, descended upon Bromberg, a German town given to Poland at the signing of the Versailles Treaty. They began killing the German farmers and their families on the outskirts of town, nailed children to their fathers barns (see the numerous photos at the URL given below), and proceeded to gang rape German women after which they hacked their bodies to pieces with axes.
Men were lined up in the streets, executed with a bullet to the back of the head, and left where they fell. After the pastor of Brombergs Protestant church was dragged off by Jewish gangs and soldiers, 328 German parishioners were forced into the towns church, whereupon the church was plundered and then set on fire, burning alive all 328 people locked inside. At 5:45 p.m. the clock on the church came to a final stop as the gangs of ravenous wolves deserted the town and moved on to their next slaughter.
In light of all this history, you must honestly ask yourself, if you were the Chancellor of Germany, what would you do? Would you sit on your hands listening to Donovan records and naively flashing a peace sign, or would you step in to stop the merciless slaughtering of your countrymen by rolling tanks across the border into Poland? I know most definitely what I would do, but I have taken a vow of silence on these things.
Be that as it may, it is nonetheless the duty of a countrys leadership to PROTECT its citizens, and that is exactly what German Chancellor Adolf Hitler did in September 1939 when the German army rolled into the rogue nation of Poland. Of course, in our history classes, we always hear about how it was Hitler who was the aggressor in this situation and was the one who fired the first shot across the bow.
However, the truth about history always has a nasty habit of eventually coming out and setting the story straight. Eventually, we do get to finally hear about the first part of the story, the part that sets into motion all the other parts, and for the long-tongued liars and fabricators of selective history, this does not bode well for them at all.
WARNING: The numerous photos of the Bromberg Holocaust displayed at this URL below are some of the worst images of human butchery and savagery I have ever, ever seen. For those with heart problems or weak stomachs, I highly recommend not looking at these, but for those who want to get a visual taste of what might have motivated Hitler to invade Poland, this is for you. No amount of research or fancy writing on the travails of history can supercede the power of these photos. You have been forewarned. Do not turn your eyes away.
Some Accused Killers
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