General remark about Illuminati

ISIL vs. Israel: two sides of the same coin

그리운 오공 2014. 6. 15. 22:50


ISIL vs. Israel: two sides of the same coin

“What the Zionists are doing in Israel is exactly what ISIL (Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant) or Al Qaeda is aspiring to achieve”

                                               … By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat (VT-Egypt)

ISIL militants in (Manbij, Aleppo) Rejoicing over the capture of Iraqi city of Mosul. June 11, 2014

ISIL militants in (Manbij, Aleppo) Rejoicing over the capture of Iraqi city of Mosul. June 11, 2014

It must have been an alarming shock, I know it was to me, when the breaking news of the sudden and swift fall of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, to the hands and daggers of Jihadist militants of ISIL (Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant) – a parallel to some of the raids by early Islamic medieval conquests (some say)

Ironically, the nowadays Muslim school children are being told in their history books that the Early Muslim conquests were so civilized and peaceful. And that the natives of the then non-Arab countries simply welcomed the Muslim armies with Jubilation and eagerness to convert to Islam (no mention of sword and coercion)

What astonished me was the little resistance ISIL militants had encountered before they raided with their black flags and convoys of armed pickup trucks one Iraqi town after another; Mosul, Tikrit, Salah El Din and Bayji.

Armed member of ISIL holding up Iraqi soldier uniforms before tossing them on the ground-Mosul, Iraq (June, 11, 2014)

Armed member of ISIL holding up Iraqi soldier uniforms before tossing them on the ground-Mosul, Iraq (June, 11, 2014)

Something went terribly wrong. The Iraqi police andmilitary forces were simply abandoning their positions, uniforms and weapons.

The Iraqi soldiers and officers were committing the ultimate sin, according to the military code of conduct, namely desertion.

Iraqi soldiers ( mostly Shia) were not actually over-numbered or under-equipped they were simply faithless. They somehow lost their belief in the value of their role as defenders of their nation (or the Sunni part of it)

Maybe Iraqi soldiers had uniforms, vehicles and weaponry and training but they lacked the most vital ammunition a soldier should obtain and treasure; loyalty and patriotism.

According to the military law those Iraqi soldiers were committing high treason. They were fleeing and selling out their homeland and country.

Iraqi soldier executed by the savage Jihadists of ISIL

Iraqi soldier executed by the savage Jihadists of ISIL

Of course there were exceptions; there were fine soldiers who fought hard and even died in the battle field –decapitated by those ISIL savages

But it was obvious that ISIL militias were advancing, in the Sunni territories of Iraq, towards Baghdad with no military resistance. Moreover, their advance and capture of military bases were also facilitated by local hard-core Sunni natives.

The ISIL advance was so unexpectedly easy-going, its militants focused on looting military bases and banks and filming propaganda videos.

This whole scene might have come as a shock to many of the regular viewers and news follower around the Middle East and the world, but I believe political analysts and politicians had seen it coming a long time ago.

Iraq was the first Arab country to get hit and invaded by the American and so called allied forces soon after the 9/11 attacks.

Iraq, a country not involved in 9/11 nor posed a direct threat to American interests and security, was chosen as the model to launch and apply the chaos scenario of 4th generation warfare on its land. Maybe Iraq did not pose a threat to US, but it did to Israel.

Iraq, an ancient nation with a rich culture, had a stable governing system with growing solid economy and a strong military but the Iraqi leadership showed anti-Israeli sentiments. That bothered Tel Aviv, and consequently it had to bother Washington.

9/11 and war in Iraq

Area of control and activity of ISIL in Syria and Iraq - Updated June 2014

Area of control and activity of ISIL in Syria and Iraq – Updated June 2014

It was already two years since the covert Israeli masterpiece attack, aka 9/11, and seemed like the right time to start profiting from this grand false flag operation.

Those who planned for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan knew they were not planning another Vietnam. This was something else, something new.

In Vietnam US politicians and military were dragged very deep into a jungle they had no f***ing idea what they were getting into.

In Iraq all that changed. The US knew better than to put boots on ground open-endedly.

The theory of 4th generation warfare weaved with the creative chaos one guaranteed that a swift but devastating blow to the infrastructure and the military of any target nation would yield the desired result on the long run, namely destabilization and fragmentation.

Any given country has intrinsic liability for sectarianism and division based on race, religion and culture.

Iraq, as the case with so many neighboring Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, harbored communities of Shia, Sunni and Kurds.

The plan was simple; it always is when it is related to inflaming sectarian conflict and building the theatre up for a long civil war.

(ISIL) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, despite his notorious history, was among the prisoners released unexpectedly in 2009 from the U.S.’s detention center in Iraq.

(ISIL) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, despite his notorious history, was among the prisoners released unexpectedly in 2009 from the U.S.’s detention center in Iraq.

The goal was to put the Iraqi people under psychological pressure and economic hardships. And that was effectively achieved by the long years of sanctions over god knows what or why.

The German people under the pressure of the 1930s great depression had easily cracked and embraced Nazism, a move that ultimately lead to the destruction of the German army and the fragmentation of the once strong country into Eastern and Western territories.

Iraq has astonishingly showed more resilience and the crack did not show until after the US military invasion and devastation- If there is a god in heaven, I believe Mr. Bush and allies will forever burn in hell for what they did in Iraq.

After the war and as the smoke of the heavy bombardment was still hanging in the air, a series of car bombings – so classic of Mossad agents- began blasting in both the Shiite and Sunni territories.

And that was it. All foreign troops and intelligence could, at that point in time, depart and clear the Iraqi ground to be devoured by the flames of sectarian violence. The Iraqis will now finish the dirty job of fragmenting Iraq themselves (this is the very essence of 4th generation warfare simplified)

YouTube - Veterans Today -ISIL fighter vows (with the sword in his hands) to conquer Rome, Spain and to cleanse the Arabian Peninsula from infidels

The country that is being currently raided by the ISIL terrorists is not a unified and one country anymore. Iraq has already been divided into three regions – Shia, Kurdish and Sunni territories.

That’s why ISIL, Guerillas of Sunni terrorists, are advancing easily in the Sunni territories of Iraq. The ISIL militias encountered no resistance from the Iraqi army forces for the simple and painful reason that Iraq has no army anymore. Iraq is a used to be-nation.

The US/EU/Israel made sure to destroy the Iraqi army and do away with the Iraqi sovereignty and now all we, Arabs, could get is a young US Republican politician telling the BBC “I think we pulled out of Iraq prematurely” …. If anything has been prematurely I believe is some of the Arab leaders gullibly believing US could be an ally and a friend.

ISIL vs. Israel: could you tell the difference

Now all you could hear on news bulletins is the silly definition of ISIL as an offshoot of al Qaeda.

What audacity and deceptionISIL or ISIS for that matter is but an ugly and inevitable outcome of the American and western devastation of Iraq.

From the Socio-Political view, Al Qaeda itself is not but the logical and expected result for the Zionist project in the Arab World

Osama Bin Laden was initially an American operative recruited, financed and trained by the CIA and chances are that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, ISIL leader is likewise; especially that he was detained and then suddenly released by the Americans back in 2009

ISIS and Al Qaeda is the normal response to the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel.

YouTube - Veterans Today -ISIL militants showing off the Iraqi military vehicles and anti-aircraft guns they looted after raiding Mosul -Muslim who posted the video says he was overwhelmed with joy he almost cried

Creating a military enclave that will gather Jews from around the world, no matter what nationality they once had or what language or culture they bring over with them to Israel is the same mindset and goal of Al Qaeda and ISIS.

In ISIS, as the case in Israel, you would find hordes of extremists from Arab countries, Asia and Europe united only by their shared fundamentalism and militancy.

It is worth mentioning here that the creed of ISIL is primarily carved by the theorists of the Muslim Brotherhood, namely the notorious Sayed Kotb who envisioned all non MB as infidels (who should be killed if did not repent)

What the Zionists are doing in Israel is exactly what ISIL or Al Qaeda is aspiring to achieve. Al Qaeda and ISIL are fighting for the same vicious Zionist dream that is ironically celebrated by the west.

Israel wants the Arabs to acknowledge it as the Jewish state that is founded according to the laws and history of Judaism, and at the same time ISIS and its savage terrorists are trying to create a an Islamic caliphate that abide by the laws of Quran and Sharia. Could you see the similarities here? Could anyone tell the difference?

Is it so hard to feel the extremism, and the wind of belligerence, that is sweeping across the Middle East ever since the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel? It is the very same extremism and violence that will lead to an apocalyptic global confrontation.

If the superpowers kept this stupid pattern of bias and double standards, with Israel and Arabs, I’m afraid this end is inescapable.

When secular and national regimes and armies fail to defend its land and people, then it’s time for religious extremism to step in and take over. And that’s when fragmentation and division is two steps away.  It is so basic and historically-tested and result-guaranteed. That’s exactly what the US/Zionist plan was all about.

That is why the White House is looking away and mulling all options that will keep US out of the scene for the time being. Obama unfortunately has no appetite now to interfere militarily in Iraq (not even with the US notorious drone attacks).  

Is President Obama & Iran undermining the authority of Iraqi Prime minister, Nouri al Maliki.

Is President Obama & Iran undermining the authority of Iraqi Prime minister, Nouri al Maliki.

But of course the Iraqi prime minister could count on the white house’s unlimited emotional support – Good Mr. Obama will mention Iraq in his Sunday prayers.

As for Mr. William Hague, the prestigious British foreign minister, he is currently so engaged teaming up with the glamorous Angelina Jolie to fight the global phenomenon of raping girls.

So nice, but I’m curious to find out what does Mr. Hague think of the superpowers that are constantly in thebusiness of raping other sovereign countries?

Egyptian Scene once again

Now let’s move to Egypt. Let’s imagine that the MB still in power.

The scene would be like the following; Mr. Morsi is supporting Jihadist ISIS in Syria and Iraq and at the same time turning Sinai Peninsula into a new Taliban.

The Muslim Brotherhood carried on with their plan of exhausting and liquefying the Egyptian national army and police forces while at the same time emboldening their Sinai guerillas of Jihadists.

Before we knew it, Egypt would have followed the footsteps of Syria and Iraq, and finally got devoured by sectarian war and would have been divided into 3 minor territories; one for Christian Copts, another one for Muslims and Sinai as the haven for Jihadists and Salafis.

No wonder the US/EU are still supporting MB and no wonder that the gullible, the extremists and the deluded in the Arab world and in the west are still crying over the ousting of Morsi and the banning of MB.

By contrast to the shameful attitude of the Iraqi military forces, the Egyptian army and police forces are carrying out very successful operations to wipe out the jihadists threat from the Sinai Peninsula.

Egyptian military unit patrolling the northern territories of Sinai near the Jihadists' foothold in the peninsula

Egyptian military unit patrolling the northern territories of Sinai near the Jihadists’ foothold in the peninsula

Egyptian military and police forces, and without any outside help or drones, are fighting an honorable war against terrorism all over the country.

Our new president, field Marshal El Sisi, is pulling the country together while keeping his eyes on securing the country’s borders and safeguarding Egypt’s national security.

At the same time Egypt is cooperatively working with its Arab neighbors and Russia (through intelligence and training-sharing) to curb the tide of militant Jihadist terrorism- fueled by MB theorists- now rampant throughout the region.

The chaos theory is effectively engulfing the Arab world and its end result is looming near; a new Middle East is indeed underway.

For more on Egypt and the Middle East visit Dr. Ashraf Ezzat’s website