US military fails to free Americans from ISIL in Syria. (File photo)
Having long cynically armed the Takfiri militants against the Syrian government, with a lot of those arms going to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), US authorities have changed their allies of convenience, reports say.
There are some reports that the US is providing the Syrian government with intelligence against ISIL, in particular giving them intelligence on the location of its leaders, Antiwar reported on Saturday.
The reports say the US is funneling the intelligence to Syria, still officially an “enemy,” by way of Germany. The changing narrative is likely to go public eventually as well, however, with Syria hoping for a long-term rapprochement.
With talks of US military intervention in Syria growing, the US would no doubt prefer to have Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on board, since then they can claim to be operating “at the request” of an ally, even if it’s an enemy-turned-ally for the sake of war.
The wild-card in all of this is Israel, which has for a while been touting ISIL as preferable to Assad, on the notion that Assad is closer to Iran than ISIL would be.
US officials are also touting the Assad military’s air strikes having killed Abu Mousa, an ISIL press official. It wasn’t so long ago the US was griping about every Syria air strike, regardless of the target.