![topastan topastan](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/topastan.jpg)
Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents where the world is headed. It is truly one man’s vision: Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan (yes Borat’s country, I know). Backed by billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of the Asian steppes. The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the most ancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that are already completed already sum up Nazarbayev’s occult vision.
아스타나는 21세기에 지어지고 있는 최초의 수도로써, 지금 세계가 어디로 향하는지를 완벽하게 대변하고 있다. 도시는 완전히 한 사람의 이상을 담고있다.그건 바로 카자흐스탄의 대통령인 '누르술탄 나자르바예브'의 것이다. 수십억의 오일달러의 지원에 힘입어,도시는 중앙아시아의 초원지대의, 도시와는 소원되고 황량했던 지역에서 건설되고 있다. 그 결과는 놀라운 것이다. 미래주의적인 신비(=오컬트,비술,마술,흑마술)의 수도로서, 인간에게 알려진 가장 오래된 종교인 태양숭배를 찬양하면서, '신세계질서 '를 포용하고 있다. 도시는 아직 거대한 건축현장이다. 하지만 이미 완공된 건물들은 나자르바예브 대통령의 오컬트적 이상을 잘 담아내고 있다.
<엘리트들과 함께 하고 있는 나자르바예브 대통령>
(Dick Cheney and Nursultan Nazarbayev)
(Bill Clinton and Nursultan Nazarbayev)
(Tony Blair and Nursultan Nazarbayev)
(George H.W. Bush and Nursultan Nazarbayev)
( Nursultan Nazarbayev and Pope John Paul ii)
인용: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_fDx2bHUKs&feature=related
세계정부 수도 아스타나와 세계단일화폐제안
The Pyramid of Peace
평화의 피라미드
![82673az_foster_astana 82673az_foster_astana](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/82673az_foster_astana.jpg)
Conceived by Britain’s most prolific architect, Lord Norman Forster, this giant pyramid is an odd presence in the middle of the Asian Steppes. The building is dedicated to “the renunciation of violence” and “to bring together the world’s religions”. Norman Foster has said that the building has no recognizable religious symbols to permit the harmonious reunification of confessions. In reality, the pyramid is a temple for the occultist’s only TRUE religion: Sun worship. A journey inside this building is a truly symbolic one. It represents each human’s path to illumination. Let’s take the tour.
영국의 가장 왕성한 건축가인 '노만 포스터'에 의해 설계된, 이 거대한 피라미드는 중앙아시아 대초원지대의 한가운데 서 있는 낯선 건축물이다. 건물은 '폭력의 거부'와 '세계종교들을 하나로'라는 이상에 헌신하고 있다. 노만 포스터는,"건물은 조화로운 종교적 신념들의 통일을 위해서, 어떠한 특정 종교의 상징도 허용하지 않고 있다."라고 말한다. 하지만 실제로는, 피라미드야말로 오컬티스트들이 자신들의 유일하고,진정한 종교를 표현하는 하나의 사원이다. 태양숭배말이다.
건물 내부로의 여행은 그야말로 상징적인 것이다. 그 여행은 각각의 인간들의 광명(illlumination)에로의 여정이다.
The Pyramidal Shape 피라미드모양은 무엇을 의미하나?
“The initiates accepted the pyramid form as the ideal symbol of both the secret doctrine and those institutions established for its dissemination”
조직의 입회자들은 피라미드모양을, '신비적 교리'와 '그 교리들의 전파를 돕는 기관들'에 대한 이상주의적인 상징으로 받아들이고 있다 - 멘리 피. 홀 -
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
- Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order for the Ages
As Manly P. Hall stated, the pyramid is the ultimate symbol representing the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Sublime in their simplicity, divine in their proportions, they embody both the divine knowledge owned by the illuminated and the bewilderment of the masses.
멘리 피. 홀이 말한바와 같이, 피라미드는 고대문명의 신비들을 대표하는 궁극적 상징이다. 단순성이라는 점에 있어 승화적이고, 비율이라는 점에 있어선 성스럽기까지 하다, 그것들은 광명된자들이 소유한 신성한 지식을 구현하는 반면, 나머지 무지한 대중들의 혼란을 구현하고 있다.
Today’s elite, initiated to the occult, are the heirs of this ancient wisdom and use the pyramid as a symbol of power in the modern world. The illuminated/floating/missing capstone represents the divine principle present in the universe as well in each human being. Another symbolic meaning attributed to the missing capstone is the unfinished nature of the New World Order. It is said that the capstone of the Great Pyramid will be reinstated when this age old project will become reality. Here are other pyramids appearing across the world, representing the elites power over the masses. ( 아래는 전세계에서 보여지는 다른 피라미드들이다.이것들은 엘리트지배계급의 대중위의 군림하는 힘을 표현하고 있다. )
- Memphis Arena
- Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas
- Raffles Hotel, Dubai
( 참고 : 평양시 유경호텔)
The Opera House (Basement)
평화의 피라미드 내부; 지하에 오페라 하우스
When entering the pyramid at ground level, the interior is dark and cavernous. The basement houses Astana’s opera house, where the unsuspecting mass gets entertained.
지하에서 피라미드를 들어가면, 내부는 어둡고, 움푹들어가져 있다. 지하건물은 아스타나의 오페라 하우스이다.그리고 그곳은 의심치 않는, 순진한 대중들이 유흥을 즐기는 곳이다.
- Underground Opera House
Despite the darkness, a huge image of the sun occupies almost all of the ceiling.
어두움에도 불구하고, 거대한 태양의 형상이 천장전체를 차지하고 있다.
The Midsection
- Around the Sun Table
Right on top of the opera house is the central space of the pyramid. It acts as the meeting room for conferences reuniting religious leaders of the world. Take a minute and soak up the symbolism here. You have religious leaders from around the world sitting around a huge figure of the sun, discussing how to reconcile their differences for the coming New Age. The symbolism is blatant: all these theologies are simply outgrowth of the original object of worship: the Sun.
This space is much more luminous than the opera house, representing the progress towards illumination. The sun image in the middle of the round table is exactly on top of the sun of the opera house. So while the general population is being entertained in the darkness of the material world, the illuminated, sitting right on top of them, are contemplating how to reach godliness.
피라미드의 중앙공간은 오페라하우스의 바로 위에 위치하고 있다. 이곳은 전세계의 종교지도자들의 통일을 주제하는 회의가 개최되는 만남의 공간이다. 잠시 둘러보며,이곳 상징들을 음미해 보자. 전세계의 종교지도자들이 거대한 태양모양주위에서 다가올 뉴에이지 시대에 어떻게 종교적 화해를 모색할까를 토론하며 둘러앉아있다. 상징은 전혀 꺼림낌없이 그것을 드러내고 있다. 모든 신학적 미사여구는, 단지 원래의 '숭배 대상'에 대한 파생물에 불과하다.그 대상은 바로 태양.
이 공간은 오페라하우스보다 훨씬 휘황찬란하다.그것은 광명을 향한 단계적 진보를 표현하고 있다.
원탁테이블 가운데의 태양형상은, 아래의 오페라하우스의 태양이미지 바로 위에 위치하게 된다. 물질세계의 어둠가운데서 일반대중들이 오락을 즐기고 있는 반면에, 광명된 자들 즉, 그들 바로 윗 공간에서 그들은 어떻게 신성(godliness)에 이를지를 사색하고 있는 것이다.
- Contemplating Godliness
신성을 사색하기
If you read other articles on this site, you might be aware of the objectives of the New World Order. One of them is the replacement of all religions by a form of neo-paganism. This is what those meetings are for. The city of Astana is truly a city of the New World Order.
The Apex
![astana_pyramid_5 astana_pyramid_5](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/astana_pyramid_5.jpg)
The apex is litterally heavenly. It is round, totally windowed and bathing in glorious sunlight. Images of white doves are embedded in the windows, representing peace, which will result in the unification of the world governments and religions in the New World Order. The apex is the ultimate representation of the achievement of illumination, on an individual and on the worldly level.
건물 꼭대기는 그야말로 천국같다. 그곳은 둥글고,주위가 완전히 유리로 덮여있고,태양빛이 사방에서 들어온다. 평화를 상징하는 비둘기 형상이 유리에 새겨져 있다. 그리고, 그 평화는 세계정부들의 통일과 신세계질서에서의, 모든 종교들의 통일을 불러올 것이다. 꼭지점은 광명에의 개인적 또는 전 세계적인 궁극적 완성을 상징한다.
Look at the ceiling of the apex: 꼭대기 천장을 보라
![276656576_5c3d39f733 276656576_5c3d39f733](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/276656576_5c3d39f733.jpg)
The solar deity is shining upon the illuminated. Beautiful.
The pyramid’s divisions (the lower dark opera house, the middle conference room and the godly apex) embody the Pythagorean vision of the world. Pythagoras’ teachings are thouroughly studied in today’s occult societies.
태양신이 광명된자들에게 광선을 비취고 있다. 아름답지 않는가?
피라미드의 구획(=구분) (지하에 어두운 오페라하우스, 중앙에 회의장 그리고 신성한 꼭대기) 은 피타고라스의 세상에 대한 그의 이상을 구현한 것이다. 피타고라스의 가르침은, 오늘날 오컬트 비밀결사조직에서 철저하게 연구되고 있다.
Pythagoras divided the universe into three parts, which he called the Supreme World, the Superior World, and the Inferior World.
피타고라스는 우주를 세 구분하였다. 그 구분은 지존(=최상)의 세계,우수의 세계,그리고 열등의 세계이다.
The highest, or Supreme World, was a subtle, interpenetrative spiritual essence pervading all things and therefore the true plane of the Supreme Deity itself, the Deity being in every sense omnipresent, omniactive, omnipotent, and omniscient. Both of the lower worlds existed within the nature of this supreme sphere.
The Superior World was the home of the immortals. It was also the dwelling place of the archetypes, or the seals; their natures in no manner partook of the material of earthiness, but they, casting their shadows upon the deep (the Inferior World), were cognizable only through their shadow. The third, or Inferior World, was the home of those creatures who partook of material substance or were engaged in labor with or upon material substance. Hence, this sphere was the home of (…) mankind and the lower kingdoms, those temporarily of the earth but capable of rising above that sphere by reason and philosophy.
- The three sections of the Pyramid
피라미드의 세 구획
In other words, this pyramid, much more than being a tourist attraction, is a representation of the philosophy of the initiates. As Dan Cruikshanks rather cryptically said in his documentary, it is a “representation of the power to come”.
달리 표현하면, 이 피라미드는 단순히 관광명소가 아니라, 비밀결사조직 입회자들의 철학을 대변하는 것이다. 마치 댄 크룩생크스가 수수께기같이 다음과 같이 말하는 것처럼 말이다. " 피라미드는 다가올 권력을 상징한다."
![310px-bayterek 310px-bayterek](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/310px-bayterek.jpg)
Also designed by the distinguished British architect Sir Norman Foster, the monument is meant to embody a folktale about a mythical tree of life and a magic bird of happiness. The bird, named Samruk, had laid its egg in the crevice between two branches of a poplar tree. The egg – the golden globe at the top of the monument – represents, once again, the Sun, the Supreme Deity.
This “tree of life”, represents the channel through wich spirits go to leave the material world and join the divine world. This concept is a recurrant in most (if not all) esoteric societies.
영국의 건축가 노만 포스터에 의해 역시 설계된, 이 기념비는 신화적인 생명나무와 행복의 마법새을 구현하기 위해 지어졌다
앗! 영화 토탈리콜에서 봤는데?!
Inside the Golden Globe
타워꼭대기의 황금구체내부
The Total Recall Thing
Visitors can go at the top of the tower and get a wonderful view of Nazarbayev’s city. There are also some strange items to look at.
![99_big 99_big](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/99_big.jpg)
Inside the globe we find this enigmatic “thing”. It’s a golden triangle with president Nazarbayev’s handprint in it. Why? I honestly don’t know. All I can say is that it looks like something out of the movie Total Recall.
황금구체안에는 다음과 같은 불가사의한 것을 발견할 수 있다. 대통령자신의 손자국을 갖고 있는 황금 삼각형이다. 왜 일까? 솔직히 잘 모르겠다. 단지 말할 수 있는 것은, 영화 토탈리콜에서 나온 것과 닮았다는 것이다.
![marsstartwy8 marsstartwy8](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/marsstartwy8-300x299.jpg)
Bata Composition
![98_big 98_big](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/98_big-300x200.jpg)
It is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations. Yes, once again, talking about uniting all religions into one for the NWO and all of that.
세계 17개 종교교파지도자들의 싸인이 새겨진 지구. 그렇다.다시 한 번,신세계질서를 향한 단일종교와 모든 것을 얘기하고 있다
![bata bata](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/bata.jpg)
Masonic Pillars
메이슨의 양 기둥
![bayterek_kz_1 bayterek_kz_1](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/bayterek_kz_1.jpg)
Two pillars and one in between, further away. Is there a chance that this may be Masonic symbolism?
떨어진 양 기둥과 가운데 하나. 이것도 메이슨의 상징일까?
![medium11 medium11](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/medium11-202x300.gif)
Yes, the twin golden pillars represent the two pillars of Masonry named Boaz and Jachin. I won’t go into the whole symbolism behind those pillars, but we can probably assume that Nazarbayev is a “Free and Accepted Mason”.
그렇다. 쌍둥이 황금 기둥은 메이슨의 양 기둥으로써, 보아즈와 야친이라 불린다.(역주:프리메이슨의 중요개념인 Duality상징) 이 기둥의 상징적 의미에 대해선 설명하지 않겠다. 하지만 카자흐스탄 대통령 나자르바예브는 분명 프리메이슨임을 어렵지않게 짐작할 수 있다.
Presidential Palace
![palace palace](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/palace.jpg)
Placed in a commanding position in the city, the Presidential Palace sits at the end of a ceremonial route which starts with the Bayterek tower. A big fat dome sits on top of the palace, representing the female principle, in opposition to the phallic Bayterek tower – the male principle. This layout is present in almost all important cities, including Washington DC and Paris.
대통령궁은 도시에서 경치가 장관인 곳에 위치하는데, 베이테렉 타워가 시작하는 의식적구역의 끝자리에 위치하고 있다. 대통령궁 상부는 여성성을 상징하는 둥근 원형돔이고,그 반대편에 마주대하고 있는 것이 남성성을 상징하는 베이테렉 타워이다. 이러한 배치는 워싱턴 디씨와 파리를 포함한 거의 모든 중요도시에서 볼 수 있다.
( 참고: St. Peter's square, Vatican )
Khan Shatyry Entertainment Center (The World’s Biggest Tent)
![world_biggest_tent_astana world_biggest_tent_astana](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/world_biggest_tent_astana.jpg)
This unfinished odditiy is designed, once again, by Sir Norman Foster (he basically designed the whole city). Underneath the tent, an area larger than 10 football stadiums, will be an urban-scale internal park, shopping and entertainment venue with squares and cobbled streets, a boating river, shopping centre, minigolf and indoor beach resort. It has been said that this structure is made to look like a tabernacle, on par with the Temple of Solomon.
![tabernacle_11 tabernacle_11](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/tabernacle_11-300x243.jpg)
These portable places of worship, composed of tents, were used by Jews during biblical times. Initiates attribute to these ancient settlements an esoteric meaning.
Coming Soon in Astana
Astana is still under heavy construction, but there are some truly amazing projects in the works. Here are some of them.
Central Markets
![vyonyx_foster_central_markets_astana_01 vyonyx_foster_central_markets_astana_01](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/vyonyx_foster_central_markets_astana_01-176x300.jpg)
Designed by our good friend Norman Foster.
Crazy Towers (not the official name)
![1064seventowersplannedforastanakazakhstan_pic1 1064seventowersplannedforastanakazakhstan_pic1](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/1064seventowersplannedforastanakazakhstan_pic1-300x225.jpg)
All-Seeing Eye Stadium (not the offical name)
![astanastadium astanastadium](http://vigilantcitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/astanastadium.jpg)
To Conclude
As members of the world elite are fulfilling the conditions required to unite the world into a single government, they are scattering all over the world symbols of their power. The fact that the general population have no idea what those structures represent is exactly the reason why their plans go forward unquestioned and unnoticed. But those plans have been here for ages now. Manley P. Hall wrote in 1918:
“When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love“
Mob is equal to democracy, church is equal to religion and state is equal to countries. In other words, before men can live in harmony, we have to abolish democracy (because the mass is too dumb), religions (because they are superstitions) and states (because we need one world government). He continues:
“The perfect government of the earth must be patterned eventually after that divine government by which the universe is ordered. In that day when perfect order is reestablished, with peace universal and good triumphant, men will no longer seek for happiness, for they shal find it welling up within themselves”
Sound good doesn’t it? Only one catch. When this will happen, most of the world population will be dead. On that note, have a nice day.
Related Content
A slideshow about Astana:
* 참고 : 아스타나,카자흐스탄 고분 출토 유적과 고대문명
(아스타나 출토고분의 '복희여와'도)
(복희 여와상 기둥부분)
( 제카리야 시친이 이야기하는, 수메르 문명; DNA상징 )