연예계와 일루미나티의 연관성

[스크랩] 사탄교 마릴린 맨슨의 정체

그리운 오공 2012. 2. 2. 11:32

스크랩] Re:사탄교 마릴린맨슨의 정체 스팸신고

  • 08.08.12 08:41
http://cafe.daum.net/119119so/1qMd/2083 주소 복사

사탄교 마릴린 맨슨의 정체








사탄 교회 교주 안톤 라비 (Anton LaVey) (1930–1997)






             마릴린 맨슨 (Marilyn Manson)








            사탄 교회 교주와 그의 딸





 Anton Lavey, Church of Satan Founder, with Marilyn Manson




               사탄교 교주 안톤라베이와 마릴린 맨슨





The most obvious Nazi Symbol used by Marilyn Manson is the constant use of the colors of the Third Reich, black/white/red as seen in the Nazi Kriegsmarine Flag and the Manson stage setting below:

The black/white/red Nazi Kriegsmarine Flag

Marilyn Manson Displays the Nazi Colors on Stage.

Another Nazi symbol seen in the above image is the Sieg-Rune which is used by the Nazis.

Common Nazi symbols the SS (Double Sieg Rune) Logo,
the Totenkopf (skull) and Iron Cross

  Manson shows-off Totenkopf Tattoo

A Single Sieg Rune was used by the Hitler youth as their logo as in the image below:

Nazi Hilter-Youth displaying their single-Sieg-Rune Logo

Mansons Logo is similar to the single sieg rune as seen here:

         Marilyn Manson Logo

It is also similar to this Nazi military badge:

      Nazi Badge with Arrow Design

and similar to this emblem of the British Union of Fascists.

Union-of-Fascists Emblem

The drummer boys that Manson uses in his video, “This is the New Shit”, are straight out of a Nazi Propaganda Film by Leni Riefenstahl, “Triumph des Willens” (Triumph of the Will).

Below is the Golden Age of Grotesque logo. Two M’s for Marilyn Manson or is each M actually a large “H” and a small “h” pushed together standing for “Heil Hitler”?

This symbol below is the “Wolfsangel”, a symbol used by the SS in WWII and certain neo-Nazi groups more recently:

    Wolfsangel Nazi Symbol

The M’s in the Manson logo look a lot like the Wolfangel symbol.

If you shift the left part up and shift and elongate some of the vertical lines, you can make a symbol that matches Manson’s symbol.

        Modified Wolfsangel

Manson often shows whites in blackface, which is a regression to the Minstrel Period. During slavery blacks entertained their masters by portraying exagerated stereotypes of blacks as foolish, bumbling idiots. After the slaves were freed, it became more and more difficult to find black people who would entertain whites by portraying exagerated sterotypes of black people. Eventually, whites dressed up like blacks in order to entertain others with the same humiliating racist stereotypes of blacks. Click on this link to learn more about the The Minstrel Tradition, Blackface and Racism, which Marilyn Manson has

revived in his act.

Sheet Music depicting Racist Images of Blacks
similar to those used by Marilyn Manson.

Manson has also been known to display burning crosses as on this CD cover:

  Manson CD Cover
  with Burning Cross

Which reminds you of this kind of scene:

       KKKers Burning Crosses

In all three of the videos below, note the frequent use of the black/white/red nazi colors. Many of the symbols used also reflect common Nazi symbols shown above.

              ‘사탄’ 숭배자 마릴린 맨슨, 서태지



 마릴린 맨슨 8월 15일 내한공연 계획 [2008-07-15 07:02]


  • 반기독교를 표방하는 마릴린 맨슨이 발매한 CD.
  • ▲반기독교를 표방하는 마릴린 맨슨이 발매한 CD.


안티 그리스도를 표방하는 마릴린 맨슨(Marilyn Manson)이 내한, 오는 8월 15일 서태지컴퍼니가 기획하는 록페스티발 ‘2008 ETPFEST’에서 공연하기로 해 논란이 예상된다.



                                    마릴린 맨슨(Marilyn Manson)





2003년과 2005년 내한공연을 치뤘던 마릴린 맨슨은 3년 만에 다시 한국을 방문하는 셈이다.


서태지컴퍼니 측은 “그는 지난 2001년 일본에서 이뤄진 ‘섬머소닉 페스티벌’에서 서태지와 처음으로 인연을 맺었고 7년이 지난 지금 다시 서태지가 기획하는 공연에 참가하게 됐다”고 설명했다.

마릴린 맨슨은 엽기적인 퍼포먼스와 사탄이즘(Satanism; 악마주의) 숭배로 유명하다.


그의 이름 역시 각각 성과 살인을 상징하는 마릴린 먼로와 미국 희대의 살인마 찰스 맨슨을 합성한 것. 그는 실제로 1994년 악마숭배주의 교회에서 ‘성직자’ 칭호를 수여 받은 바 있으며, 그동안 ‘안티 그리스도’를 표방하며 십자가를 불태우고, 공연 도중 자극적인 성적 퍼포먼스를 벌여왔다.



지난 2003년 내한공연은 세 차례 반려 끝에 ‘종교나 국가를 모독하지 않고 성을

표현하는 행위를 하지 않겠다’는 각서를 쓰고 허가가 난 것으로 알려졌다.


2003년 내한공연 당시 한국교회도 공연 도중 극단적인 퍼포먼스는 하지 않도록

저지했으나 공연에 샴 쌍둥이를 등장시키는 등 잔혹하고 엽기적인 퍼포먼스는


이러한 맨슨 음악에 대해 기독교적인, 사회적인 염려는 계속돼 왔다.


지난 1999년 미국 콜롬바인 고교 집단 살인사건의 범인인 두 학생은 마릴린 맨슨

의 팬이었음이 드러났고, 맨슨은 이후 청소년 유해 록 밴드 1호로 손꼽혔다.

<대중음악 볼륨을 낮춰라>를 집필한 컬럼니스트 강인중 씨는 “맨슨이 심취한

사탄이즘의 본질은 우리의 호기심을 자극하는 오각형별이나 거꾸로 된 십자가와

같은 상징물, 혹은 맨슨의 소름끼치는 퍼포먼스가 아니다”라고 밝히며

“사탄이즘의 본질 곧 악마주의의 실체는 맨슨의 모든 노래와 언행 뒤에 숨쉬고

있는 악마주의의 대강령 즉 ‘네가 하고 싶은 것을 하라’는 인본주의(人本主義)

세계관, ‘하나님 없는 인생철학’”이라고 지적했다.


그러나 이미 마릴린 맨슨은 한국을 비롯해 전 세계적으로 수많은 팬을 확보하고

있다. 2005년 내한공연 당시 2만여 명의 매니아들이 몰린 것으로 알려졌다.


더구나 이번 방문은 ‘문화대통령’으로 불리우며 젊은이들에게 막강한 영향력을

행사하는 한국의 대중가수 서태지와 한 무대에 오르는 것이기에 더욱 파장이


민호기 목사(소망의바다, 찬미워십, 대신대 교회음악과 교수)는 이번 공연에

대해 “이번 공연에서 마릴린 맨슨은 한 두곡 정도 부르겠지만 가장 염려스러운

부분은 ‘상징성’이다.


서태지는 한국을 대표하는 아티스트이고, 마릴린 맨슨은 반기독교의 대명사와도



한국에서 서태지가 자리하고 있는 지점을 생각해 본다면, 그가 마릴린 맨슨에

호의적이라는 사실 자체의 파급력이 본 공연보다 더 클 수 있다”면서

“오히려 내한 이후 많은 음악 팬들이 서태지가 좋아하기 때문에 우리도

마릴린 맨슨을 좋아할 수 있다는 식으로 마릴린 맨슨의 음악에 더 귀 기울이게

되는 것이 더 두려워지는 대목”이라고 지적했다.
글쓴이 peacemaker

출처 :분별하라




John Kerry Meets Satanist Anton LaVey 존케리 사탄교 교주와의 만남
Netlore Archive:  'Newspaper clipping' circulating on the Internet purports to show a youthful John Kerry shaking hands with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey

Description:  Hoax image
Circulating since:  Feb. 2004
Status:  Fake
See below
존케리는 미국 민주당 상원의원, 대통령출마도 햇엇던 유명 정치인, 프리메이슨 단체중 하나인 뼈와 해골 멤버, 부시와 같은 멤버, 사탄교주를 만나는 아래 기사

As circulated on the Internet, July 2004:



Purportedly a photograph of Democratic Senator (now presidential candidate) John Kerry shaking hands with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey
Click to Enlarge

Comments:  This is a meeting that never took place. The image is a composite of a photo of John Kerry shaking hands with clown Rami Salami in 1998 and a photo of Satanist Anton LaVey meeting rock star Marilyn Manson in 1994. 1994년도에는 락스타 마릴린 맨슨과 만난 사탄교주 안톤 라비

Another giveaway is the apparent date of the newspaper clipping: Sunday, July 17, 1982. As it happens, July 17 fell on a Saturday that year.

Anton LaVey (b. 1930) founded the so-called Church of Satan in San Francisco, California in 1966. Insisting he believed in the existence of neither God nor Satan, LaVey said the basic tenets of his "religion" were self-interest and hedonism. He died in 1997. 엔톤 라비는 센프란시스코의 1966년 사탄교를 창립햇고, 사탄교 교주 .1997년에 죽음

John Kerry is a U.S. Senator and Democratic candidate for the presidency.







Skull and Bones 322 Conspiracy Video 프리메이슨 뼈와 해골의 멤버 엿던 부시, 뼈와 해골의 비밀 암호 번호 322번


부시에게  비밀단체(secret society)에 대해 질문하는 동영상.  사회자가 부시에게 skull and bones(뼈와 해골) 멤버 아니냐 질문하니,부시가 비밀이라서 말할수 없다고 대답합니다.  사탄교주를 만난 존케리와 해골과 뼈,같은 멤버 엿던 부시


The secret society that ties Bush and Kerry 비밀단체 멤버,부시와 존케리
London Telegraph 02/01/2004

Revelations that leading candidates for the US presidency were "Skull and Bones" members have provoked claims of elitism. Charles Laurence reports from New York

The "tomb" stands dark and hulking at the heart of the Yale University campus, almost windowless, and shuttered and padlocked in the thick snow of winter storms.

Yale's candidates for the White House pictured in their student days and the 'Skull and Bones' mascot (예일대 안에 잇는 비밀단체, 프리메이슨단체중 하나인 뼈와 해골, 단체 이름자체가 으시시 하지요)


존케리와 부시 사진이 보이고 옆에는  해골 사진, 예일대 비밀단체 건물이 보입니다





Well known people showing off the hand signal which represents Satan.

The following is an excerpt above from the "Satanic Bible"...

Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto:

This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups. 

I Love You, Devil?

The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you."  While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?" -Texe Marrs (See CODEX MAGICA).

"She invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family before the age of seven.  For example, if she wanted ice cream she would wrap her arms around herself and pretend to shiver." -SOURCE

Satanists or just a mere coincidence?


Bill Clinton


John Kerry campaigning in October of 2004.  Notice the numbers 666!  Was this just a coincidence or more of the illuminati's symbolic language which we see so preval!!!!ent throughout society?존케리 2004년 대선켐페인때 모습 사진,바로 아래 666 짐승 사인 주목할것

John Kerry campaigning in October of 2004(존케리 대통령 캠페인 모습)


Illuminati Devil Hand Signals were Preval!!!!ent Throughout the 2005 Inauguration

 George W. Bush at his 2005 inauguration부시가 대통령에 당선되엇을때

George W. Bush Denies Jesus Christ!


"...For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." -Romans 16:18



The Associated Press and Reuters called the above bush family hand signs, the 'Texas Longhorn or 'Texas UT' symbol.  People still seem to think the signal is solely the 'hook 'em horns' UT symbol.  We know this to be true but this doesn't answer our primary questions:

1) If the symbol denotes Texas football or UT, why are people like Silvio Berlusconi and Bill Clinton doing it too?  They have no links with Texas.

2) Why is the Bush family so obsessed with the signal, displaying it dozens of times during both the inauguration and the evening ball? A few times maybe we could accept, but why this many?  What has Texas sports got do with a national inauguration?

3) By Bush being an occult member of Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove, it certainly shouldn't be surprising that people would suspect him of praising Satan.  Why would any Christian belong to an occult organization?

Above: The pictures of Bush and Ahmadinejad giving the Satanic "goat's head" sign suggest Iranians are as ignorant as Americans of their President's true loyalty.  Illuminati defector Leo Zagami recently called Ahmaninejad a "well known Satanist with no real connection to Islam" and the Iraq-Iran-Israel conflict a "foreign intelligence show."  Empowered by the central banking cartel, the Illuminati Order has the resources to infiltrate both sides of every conflict, and steer it according to the New World Order agenda. They call this a "dialectical process." They were on both sides of  both world wars, the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam.  Iran's nuclear ambitions are merely a pretext. The real object is to degrade both the US and Iran so citizens will forfeit political, economic and spiritual rights to Illuminati banker "world government." -Read More

Below are some photos where the hand gesture is used in a clearly Satanic context:

This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio's singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal. Is he a fan of the Texas Longhorns too?


 압둘라왕과 푸티

WOW - even King Abdullah and Putty Pute are fans, everybody's doing it!

Go Long Horns!


France President Sarcozy 프랑스 대통령


Vice President Dick Cheney현재 부통령 딕 체니


Elizabeth Taylor엘리자베스 테일러

Elizabeth Taylor

Some of my web visitors have e-mailed me, claiming that the deaf signal (i.e., a hand sign with the thumb extended) is sign language for 'I love you.'  This sign is displayed above by Elizabeth Taylor.  However, the inventor of the deaf hand sign, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist as mentioned earlier.  Helen Blavatsky, who founded The Theosophical Society, was a devout Satan worshipper who said...

"Lucifer represents... Life... Thought... Progress... Civilization... Liberty... Independence... Lucifer is the Logos... the Serpent, the Savior." pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

If you think Miss Keller's hand sign is just a coincidence, then you are truly gullible.  If you were deaf, and wanted to develop a hand sign to tell someone that you love them, what would it be?  A hand over the heart would be reasonable.  There is no way that any reasonable person would develop the hand sign that Keller invented, paralleling an existing hand salute to Satan.  The above photo is one of Ozzy Osbourne's Rock-n-Roll album covers.  It is abundantly clear to see that Keller's hand sign praises the Devil.

So what affiliation does Prince William Have with Texas UT?


Silvio Berlusconi?  Paul McCartney?  Bill Clinton?


Tommy Franks?


Courtney love with Daughter


Rock band Metallica. Are they all acknowledging Texas UT?


 The rock band, Forsaken.



The first image Represents the horned god of witchcraft, Pan or Cernunnos.  Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand.  The next image is a sign of recognition between those in the Occult.  When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse.  Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.


Goat of Mendes -Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign

Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C.

Bohemian Grove Exposed!


Marvel Comic's "Spider Man"


Prince William 윌리암 왕자


Maria (Kennedy) Shriver at her marriage to Arnold Schwarzenegger


George W Bush
(Member of Skull and Bones, and Bohemian Grove)


Tom Ridge, former Homeland Security Director

Above: Outgoing Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge (formerly Governor of Pennsylvania).  Surely he's not a Longhorns Fan?


Senator John Edwards상원의원 존 에드워드

Above: Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (also the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate in 2004).  Is he a Texas Longhorns fan too?


Yasser Arafat


George W. Bush Again 조오지 부시의 짐승사인


Italian Prime minister Berlusconi(이탈리안 지도자)


Amy Grant

Above: Believe it or not! Here's Amy Grant, on the Michael W. Smith, In Concert (Reunion Records, 1985) video tape flashing the "Satanic salute."  Amy deliberately flashes the "Satanic salute" at least two separate times on the video, displaying it for several seconds.  Amy is promoting Satan.  There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian - and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"!


Anton LaVey, leader and founder of the Church of Satan.사탄 교주

Above: Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of The Satanic Bible, displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and Il Cornuto) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible.



Harley Clark

Above: Begun in 1955, the `Hook 'em Horns' sign started by Harley Clark still motivates UT fans today.  Is it mere coincidence that every Satanist in the world uses the same hand salute?

Dan Quayle댄 퀘일

Above: Here is former Vice President Dan Quayle from Indiana showing his horns.  Is he a Texas Longhorns fan too? 부시때 부통령이엇던 덴 퀘일의 짐승사인


McDonalds CEO's 맥도날드 CEO들


A Satanic Ritual

Above: (Satanists making the "Satanic salute" to an altar displaying the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, to acknowledge their allegiance to Satan, during a Satanic ritual.)



John Lennon is portrayed giving the Satanic hand-signal on "Yellow Submarine"


John Lennon again (bottom right)



Kid Rock (above and below)


Pat Robertson | Watch VIDEO now!((클릭하세요, 동영상이 나옵니다, 그리고 그의 사탄숭배 사인주목)


Benny Hinn베니힌

Benny Hinn


Jesse Duplantis

Jesse Duplantis


Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne


Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland


One of The Council On Foreign Relations symbols features a man naked on a white stead giving the horned hand signal.

Devil Companies

Satan on Our Dollar!

owl.jpg (7742 bytes)

There is a small owl just to the left of the "1" which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill.  From time to time politicians like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have been caught on camera flashing the horned owl symbol with their hands.  There is a distinct separation between those in the demonic occult and those involved in the wickedness of witchcraft.  The goat is associated strongly with witchcraft and Freemasonry, while the owl is more strongly associated with the occult (e.g., Bohemian grove).  There is definitely an inseparable common denominator between the two groups: Satanism.

Goat of Mendes -Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign?

"The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship -- was practiced).  Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more import!!!!antly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship."-Kerr Cuhulain (Occult author, police investigator, and friend of witches)

Saturated with Satan | Imagine | Peace Sign and Satanism

Alex Jones presents his newest film, The Order of Death, an amazing and horrifying look into the occult practices of the global elite featuring never before seen footage of the infamous Bohemian Grove.

세계 유명 대통령, 정치 지도자, 왕, 왕자, 락뮤직션, 배우들 할것없이, 모두다 한결같이 짐승사인을 하고 잇읍니다.


과연 우연일까요?


    마릴린 맨슨과 사탄교주등, 여기저기 모두 고구마 처럼 연결되어 잇는것, 과연 우연일까요?


한가지 확실한 것은, 존케리의 대통령 캠페인때, 666 푯말을 들고 나온 그의 지지자들을 볼때, 사탄숭배자들이 그의 선거 유세 지원


부시의 짐승사인, 대통령 당선때


마릴린 맨슨의 성경책 찍고, 불태우고, 노래제목조차 적그리스도 슈퍼스타


모든것을 종합해 볼때, 사탄의 세력임은 틀림없읍니다, 우연이 아니란 것이지요!


 모든 공통점은 사탄숭배자들입니다.  모두 고구마처럼 주렁주렁 연결되어 잇읍니다.


서태지와 공연할 마릴린 맨슨은 프리메이슨 스팸신고


양쪽 반지 주목

프리메이슨 상징반지 (오각형 -별) 그 유명한 프리메이슨 상징, 삼각자와 콤파스

Manson on the cover of Metal Edge magazine, September 2001, wearing a red ring with the square & compass and a black ring with a pentacle star, both of which are Masonic symbols.

2001년도에 나온 헤비메탈 음악 잡지 커버에 실렷던 마릴린 맨슨의 양쪽 손에 낀 반지, 두손에 낀 반지 상징은 프리메이슨의 상징

Closely related to the Cross of Lorraine, particularly via the Knights Templar, Freemasonry is a topic which has been no stranger to Manson throughout his work, and this interest in a sense climaxing during the Holy Wood era, particularly with the song King Kill 33°. During the Holy Wood era Manson was shown in a least one photo shoot to be wearing a Masonic ring with the square & compass and Manson was also involved with the Johnny Depp film From Hell in late 2001 which explored the Masonic conspiracy behind the murders of Jack the Ripper. However the first of such Masonic references can be found as far back as Manson's first album Portrait Of An American Family on the song 'My Monkey' where he sings of "Little G's and Big Dicks." The song itself is a childlike nursery rhyme with much darker implications adapted from the song 'Mechanical Man' written by Charles Manson, this particular line is very subtle yet but also an incredible overt Masonic reference with the "little G's" being the G that appears within the square& compass with represents the Great Architect, God as well as geometry, the ordered principle of the universe, and the "big dicks" representing the obelisks, a notorious Masonic symbol adopted from Egyptian mythology to represent the phallus of Osiris, which the "Little G's" are often engraved upon, particularly as the gravestone of a Mason.

"마릴린 맨손이 불럿다는 노래 제목이 바로 Little G's and Big Dicks," , 그러나 바로 이 상징은 프리메이슨 오벨리스크 무덤Masonic obelisk grave, also known as Cleopatra's Needle, representative of Osiris' phallus in mythology, with the Masonic square & compass engraved upon

Even currently along with the implications of the Celebritarian revival, another Masonic parallel exists inherently (whether intentionally Masonic or not) even in Manson's forthcoming film, PHANTASMAGORIA: The Visions Of Lewis Carroll. As Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas write in 'Turning The Hiram Key' while searching for the origins of Freemasonry,

"I felt like the duchess in Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll was a freemason-why else would his rabbit wear white gloves, and why else would he use a pseudonymous forename meaning, 'son of a mason'? Perhaps it was during his initiation he got the idea for practicing how to believe in impossible things. The more I practised the easier it got."
Turning The Hiram Key
by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas

Left : Charles Dodgson better known as Lewis Carroll Author of Alice In Wonderland and Freemason. Right : 2006 promotional poster artwork for Phantasmagoria. The headless figure can be seen wearing traditional white Masonic gloves. 왼쪽,루이스 캐롤은 엘리스 원더랜드 작가 ,프리메이슨

 오른쪽은 2006년도 마릴린 맨슨의  필름 포스터 그림을 보면,프리 메이슨 상징 하얀 장갑 묘사


For more on the Masonic elements which Manson has made reference to in his art, see the Kennedy: King Kill 33° section of The NACHTKABARETT:

KENNEDY: KING KILL 33도, 마릴린 맨슨이 불럿다는 노래 제목- 왕이 33도를 죽엿다, 왕은 누구? 옆에 케네디 글자가 보이는데,  왕이 프리메이슨 33도를 죽엿다는 암시의 메세지 노래라는 뜻, 전 아직 이노래를 한번도 들어본적이 없는데, 도대체 무슨 암시가 들어 잇는지 다음번에 꼭 들어보아야 겟읍니다, 죽은자는 케네디 대통령을 암시한다고 하는군요.



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