Reference about Freemason in Eng

Hillary Clinton’s FSA Committing War Crimes Daily

그리운 오공 2012. 11. 2. 19:44

Hillary Clinton’s FSA Committing War Crimes Daily

The USA and UK funded FSA/Al Qaeda Terrorist are nothing but murdering butchers. Killing innocent people on a daily basis and always filming their killings. There is no justification for these murders that the west is supporting. Their is no evidence that the Government is killing innocent people. In fact the majority of the deaths are from the Syrian Army, Security Forces and Police. 

The terrorists would like you to believe that the Government has killed its own army, there is no evidence that the government has killed anyone, except from terrorists say so.

This is a film of just a few of the terrorist war crimes that your money is funding. Terrorist who tell lies to justify their killings. The killings will only stop when you get your government to stop arming these murderers.

Hillary Clinton is once again gathering her troops along with Robert Ford, in Qatar, to plan their next course of action against Syria and arm them with even more weapons.

More people have to write to Obama, Clinton, Hague and Cameron to try and stop them. If not the worse is yet to come which will affect everyone.