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US, Israel incite Jordan against Syria: Tahsin al-Halabi

그리운 오공 2013. 4. 30. 20:51

US, Israel incite Jordan against Syria: Tahsin al-Halabi

Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:22AM GMT
Interview with Tahsin al-Halabi

Both Tel Aviv and Washington are trying to implicate King Abdullah the second in hostile actions or to host hostile activities against Syria, a brother and neighbor country… King Abdullah the second would make a hard mistake, a hard risk if he would be involved in any hostile activities against such a brother and neighbor country as Syria because King Abdullah the second knows very well what happened to Hosni Mubarak.”

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Press TV has conducted an interview with Tahsin al-Halabi, a political commentator in Damascus.

Press TV: Amman continues to say that it is really not taking any side in the situation of Syria do you think that Jordan has been neutral? 

Halabi: I’m very sorry I would like just to tell you that I’m not having the voice here. Up to now I couldn’t understand your question very well but nevertheless let me start with such argument that in Syria now I’m witnessing that the Syrian army is trying to surround all the suburbs of Damascus with military forces. 

And such Syrian army actions around Damascus, from Jobar to Barzeh to other areas are going well within those last few days and maybe they would continue for a few more days because the decisive decision now from the government of Syria, from the commandership of the army that within two weeks everything should be clean in the suburbs of Damascus whether it is Duma or whether it is Jobar or other areas, I’m sure that with such procedures around Damascus they would start to have new results following the positive results that they got from the boundaries from Lebanon… 

Press TV: Mr. al-Halabi your take on this. There seems to be a totally different reaction when it comes to Syria by many of Syria’s neighbors. Why is that the case? Why does it appear that so many of the neighboring countries, their ultimate goal is the downfall of Bashar al-Assad’s government? 

Halabi: I think first of all we should focus on the interests of Israel and USA. Both Tel Aviv and Washington are trying to implicate King Abdullah the second in hostile actions or to host hostile activities against Syria, a brother and neighbor country; [this is] one point. 

Second point other countries like Turkey they have also their own ambitions against Syria whether it is expansionism of Erdogan or whether it is NATO collaborating between Turkey and USA and NATO itself. For this reason I think King Abdullah the second would make a hard mistake, a hard risk if he would be involved in any hostile activities against such a brother and neighbor country as Syria because King Abdullah the second knows very well what happened to Hosni Mubarak. 

Hosni Mubarak was very strong, a very sincere ally to the USA and Israel and it doesn’t make Obama and Netanyahu not asking him or demanding from him to step down in a humiliating way and he is now in prison. 

I think King Abdullah the second, the USA and Israel can let him down and would not defend him if things would have certain implications in his internal situation because demographically and politically he has a fragile regime; Palestinians are on their boundaries with the Jordanian river, they can see their homeland is occupied while Jordan with hostile activities against a neighbor that sacrifices for the Palestinians. 

Press TV: Mr. al-Halabi in Damascus I want your comments on what many of our viewers were saying, basically they are looking at the overall comments have been saying that for Jordan not to allow themselves to be used and get involved in this Syrian situation. Your take on Jordan’s role in general and why you feel that they are doing what they are doing right now? 

Halabi: I think King Abdullah the second is under pressure, believe me nobody would ignore that King Abdullah the second is not the historical ally to the USA. Everybody knows that. For this reason America can force him but he has a choice. 

He can choose to be neutral, although to be neutral will be a shame for Jordan because Jordan’s people and government should support any peaceful solution for Syria, any peaceful way to stop the bloodshed in Syria, King Abdullah the second knew very well that Israel would have the most interest from any instability in Syria. For this reason maybe the Syrians would not ask Abdullah to support them as long as they know that he is under the pressure of the USA but to be neutral, to be neutral like Lebanon relatively. 

So I think the King of Jordan would make me stay. I wish that he wouldn’t be involved in any hostile activity against Syria through his boundaries. 

Press TV: Is it curious for you when you see, as they say with politics, very very strange bed fellows. Now we are looking at Qatar, we are looking at Saudi Arabia, we are looking at Turkey, we are looking at Israel, we are looking at the United States and of course we are looking at al-Qaeda, al-Nusra front, they’re a very odd combination in general what does it say to you actually as far as the makeup of this opposition? 

Halabi: Let me first note about the comparison between Moscow and Washington. It is very clear that Moscow leaders used to make meeting with the opposition parties against the regime in Syria. They met with Khatib. They met with all the opposition parties while Washington didn’t make any meeting with any minister of the government of President Bashar al-Assad. 

So it is very biased from the USA while it is balanced by Moscow to work on certain peaceful solution by trying to convince the opposition parties and trying to convince the Syrian leadership to come together on the table of negotiations of the talks.

So I think this is one note. Second note Syria, it is not true that Syria for forty years didn’t make anything against Israel. Let me tell her that in 1982 Israel invaded whole Lebanon and occupied Beirut and the only army that fought against the Israeli forces was the Syrian army and about 80 military aircrafts were downed by the Israeli forces and thousands of Syrian soldiers were martyred on the territory of Lebanon and Syria could make the resistance of the Lebanese along with them Hezbollah to be victorious by supporting them militarily and politically and sacrificing with them… 

Press TV: What will it take to bring peace now to Syria? 

Halabi: I think what he said proved that the opposition parties are under the hegemony of USA because the USA would make the deal. I think the opposition parties themselves along with the government of Syria should come together without the intervention of Washington and without even the advices of Moscow while the advices of Moscow are very peaceful ones. They both should come to the table and be independent opposition parties and not ally to USA and Tel Aviv.