Colonial terror returns to Mideast

A sniper fighting alongside the foreign-backed militants against the Syrian government
Fri May 31, 2013 5:13AM GMT
By Jim W. Dean
The world’s grownups are trying to tame the Syrian situation down as they know now that expanding it will only make it worse, much worse. But there are those who actually want that. Israel for example wants to see American military fighting at their beck and call like they are used to. That is why they made the provocation attacks they did, hoping Assad would shoot some missiles back at them so they could launch a full-scale attack.”
The Syrian situation has been getting more bizarre by the day but we are entering back into the Twilight Zone again. The Geneva conference still has momentum and the decision not to attend by the ‘Syrian National Council’ found no one jumping off of buildings and bridges in disappointment.
In fact the reason they gave was like an old skit out of Saturday Night Live. Their spokesman actually said that an international political conference to the situation in Syria has no meaning in light of the massacres that are taking place.
Mind you these are the heads of an opposition that have no control over their fighters whatsoever. They are looting and raping where they please, and have begun taking religious hostages like the Christian Orthodox bishops.
This blew up in John McCain’s face when one of the kidnapped victims’ families spotted one of the kidnappers in McCain’s front line photo op. He was the one in the rear with the camera. It looks like ‘bomb bomb McCain’ bombed his credibility into further oblivion. But he is still for sale, especially to the Israelis, so that makes him dangerous.
We had the story break that the FSA has been running a sex slave business out of the camps in Turkey using teenage refugee girls. This even beats the pretend-a-mullahs in the Persian Gulf giving the OK for the al-Nusra brigades to rape who they want by allowing three-day temporary marriages to do so.
The Salafists are desperately in need of some PR management and I am surprised the Israelis have not moved in to scoop up the business. They usually do by creating a problem and then offering to fix it for a price.
There is a joke going around the Intel community that the real reason the ‘SNC’ would not attend Geneva 2 was that the Swiss would not provide them five-star hotel accommodations and all the teenage Swiss girls they could pick out during school tours.
Most of the military and Intel people have nothing but contempt for these ‘SNC’ gangsters and their thugs. They will be a scarlet letter tattoo on the dummies in Congress for backing them with no real controls. They have no MPs, no judge advocate set up, no arrests inside their ranks for any of their own atrocities. They have killed their credibility and have now retreated to whining.
They had the gall to tell McCain they not only wanted heavy weapons and a no-fly zone, but air strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon, too. Who do they think they are… Israelis??
The world’s grownups are trying to tame the Syrian situation down as they know now that expanding it will only make it worse, much worse. But there are those who actually want that. Israel for example wants to see American military fighting at their beck and call like they are used to. That is why they made the provocation attacks they did, hoping Assad would shoot some missiles back at them so they could launch a full-scale attack.
Assad did not take the bait. But it seems that the Israelis did as their attacks gave the Russians perfect cover to move the fleet back into the Med and commit to defending Syria’s airspace from attack, a game changer. The Israeli leadership is in full panic now as they know they brought this on themselves. All they can think of is to do what they always have, claim they are under attack when they aren’t.
Not surprisingly we have seen the anticipated false flag attempts. Despite the American poodle Congress giving Israel a blank check to attack Iran for whatever reason they desire, the usual bio weapon tainted letters have shown up at Mayor Bloomberg’s office in New York City, and in the White House mail room. The usual easy to make ricin was used for these.
And the Turks caught some al-Nusra operatives with two kilos of Sarin nerve gas canisters, obviously planning to use these in an attack and blame on Assad to push him over some Western red line.
The French played their gas card this week, too. But what they described was very similar to the nasty crowd control gas that the Israelis flew in to help Mubarak out early in his demise. We saw Egyptians on TV with the same reactions.
Britain and France have joined the Western pity parade with their calls to unilaterally provide heavy weapons to the rebel terrorists to cause more mayhem. The British offer comes when amputee War on Terror Vets are being cleared off the assistance rolls in the national health system budget cuts. And these were the military machines that ran out of ammunition during the Libyan no-fly zone days. Both countries need to throw their leaderships into the river, and do it quickly.
The Israelis are putting on one hell of a show. Step number one is to hustle their own people into believing that the Russians coming in with their air defenses has something to do with attacking the Israel public. This makes no sense at all as neither Syria nor anyone else has any offensive capability toward Israel. All of their military expenditure has had to go into defense, which includes some realistic retaliation ability.
The IDF must have read Gordon Duff’s piece about how the Russian state-of-the-art missiles could sweep the Golan Heights clean of Israeli defenses in a day if they needed to. But there would be no point to do it other than as a retaliation for an attack on the fleet or Damascus. The Israelis have had the Heights mined with nukes for decades now as part of their ‘if we can’t have it, nobody is going to have it’ strategy. When the Israelis leave, the Golan will be a no man’s land.
The one-upsmanship game continues with the EU ending the weapons sanctions ban to open those doors for rebel supply, and where the Russians the next day stated they would have to consider more weapons shipments themselves. Western governments are trying to spin this as a Russian threat when it is just a reaction to their own aggression.
Israel is sweating the worst of all nightmares, losing its dominance to strike anywhere it wants to with impunity. The debacle they are now seeing unfolding is that what they thought would be a proxy war to take out Assad at no cost to themselves could end up costing them their air space dominance.
The battles now in south Syria are strategic because the supply lines from the ports to Damascus have to be secured. And I don’t mean just to funnel ammo and critical civilian supplies in, but to protect the air defense system from local ground attack.
So I suspect the deal was made on the missiles that the rebels had to be cleared out from all the border areas permanently and their supply lines completely cut off. Because Israel has Hezbollah in the cross hairs all the time with the constant overflights, Nasrallah is saving himself by helping to provide safe ground for their deployment. Military and defensively it is no-brainer.
In return southern Syria would get complete air cover all the way down to the border of Jordan and southern Lebanon where they could provide air cover for all of Lebanon, especially with the Russian fleet offshore with the S-400s and more. Israel’s pre-emptive strike threat would be gone the first time they used it, from a defensive retaliation.
Israeli cities would not be targeted as the missiles are too expensive to waste on civilian targets. They are for destroying enemy offensive military capability which is absolutely critical. This includes Israel’s subs which the Russians will track with their satellites and if a move is made on the fleet they will be killed with air launched torpedoes within a few hours. The Germans can then rob their own people again to build them more.
If there is a political settlement you can then bet the Israelis will want the Russian air defenses removed. But guess what? Then the Russians might ask for all the Israeli WMD put under UN control, all their facilities opened for inspection and the Russians promising only to fire on Israeli targets when they were attacking someone… that they would never be used in a first strike.
Do you think the Israelis would like that? Their bully days would be over. And what would the US do… move what is left of our shrinking military to the Golan Heights and all of our Patriots to Israel to protect their flanks next time they want to pound Gaza or the West Bank with impunity?
The Russian move has been met with acclaim all around the world, but not by broke Western former colonialists looking for an economic bad news distraction on the cheap. Respect for Western leadership is not only way down around the world but inside their own countries as more and more citizens realize they are being ruled over by gangs of uber thugs.
Even Americans are saluting the Russian response because they know American leaders are cowards and even worse when it comes to standing up to the Israel lobby subversion here. Israeli espionage runs rampant from one end of the country to the other and all our institutions sworn to protect us do virtually nothing but stay out of their way.
The Syrian ‘SNC’ rebels, along with the al-Nusra cannibals are our tar babies thrown into the briar patch of the Levant. We made them. They are terrorists. And that makes us guilty of aiding and abetting terrorism. There are supposed to be serious penalties for that but the UN’s reputation here is just destroyed as they have done nothing. They will not even issue an arrest warrant for the self-confessed al-Nusra cannibal.
The legacy of all of this insanity, if a silver lining can be found in it, might be that the world woke up to find out their governments were mainly in the extortion business, and we put them all on trial for high crimes and misdemeanors… and oh yes… terrorism.
'Reference about Freemason in Eng' 카테고리의 다른 글
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