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Go ahead, Iran!

그리운 오공 2013. 5. 31. 20:14

Go ahead, Iran!

Lord of the Flies

“The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering”mLord of the Flies

What happened to Ralph? Blame it on mob mentality or the lure of primitivity, but our admirable protagonist just joined the ranks of the savages Lord of the Flies




For many years, I wondered what happens with school bullies. After all, they are the only nature constant evident in Western schools. one cannot trust that proper topics would be taught, one cannot trust that a proper level would be achieved, but always, always, one can trust that the bullies are out there attacking the righteous sheep.

Obscured by propaganda, the scary truth was slow to emerge. Bullies join the government and become self-serving civil servants. In early 2013, the People witnessed two overwhelming examples of Western state-terror. In the USA, the IRS acknowledged to have targeted conservative groups for closer scrutiny based on their names and political opinions. In Israel, Jewish doctors forced the sterilization of Ethiopian women; apparently they didn’t like their skin color.

Lord of the Flies

Western Unending Violence as portrayed in theLord of the Flies

On May 28, we got another scary reminder that the West is nothing but a continental enactment of theLord of the Flies. The tale, written by William Golding, is about a group of English schoolboys who are plane-wrecked on a deserted island. Instead of drinking high-tea, they deteriorate into savagery.

Two retired generals, James Cartwright* (USA) and Amos Yadlin** (Israel), published in May a paper through the Washington Institute. It was entitled Israeli or U.S. Action Against Iran. on May 28, the Atlantic published an abridged version. First, I tagged that “hallucinated war-plan by bored retired generals” and found momentous interest on a new conscription law. However, dismissing the issue was impossible. Exactly one month before that, I had published Israel Intelligence Directorate Sends America to War. Cartwright and Yadlin were oddly repeating Aman (IDF’s Intelligence Directorate) recommendations. What is one supposed to do when a déjà vu turns out to be solid reality?


Amos YadlinJames Cartwright

Amos Yadlin and James Cartwright

      Did you know? Israeli Astronaut Denied Memorial

Lord of the Flies Announces Attack

On April 29, much of Aman’s proposed plan for an American War on Syria were published by Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper closely related to the Shin Beth. The newspaper cited Brigadier General Ytai Brun, Head of Aman-Research, the most strategic part of this organization.

Lord of the Flies

Western Unending Violence as portrayed in the Lord of the Flies

Aman redefined the issue as “two entwined red-lines.” It claimed that beyond the use of chemical weapons, there is a second line, the Syrian “lose of control of its chemical weapons depots and production sites.” It also explained the American reluctance to attack Syria.

An attack may lift the Syrian self-restrictions on the use of such weapons, promoting what it was openly aimed to avoid. Moreover, a Western attack may end in the destruction of the bases were the weapons are produced or stored, creating a cloud of poisonous gas that would be unpredictable. Israel may become the victim of its own machiavellian plot. Another worrying option is that as soon as such an attack starts, the Syrian Army forces securing the sensitive sites may abandon them, leaving a chemical bounty ready to be picked up by anybody wandering in the area. Moreover, Aman fears that such an attack would free Hezbollah and Iran to act openly in the area against Israel.

Brigadier General Ytai Brun
                        Brigadier General Ytai Brun Head of Aman Research Lord of the Flies

Aman proposed a “boots-on-the-ground” attack. 75,000 American soldiers from commando and intelligence units would be accompanied by experts on chemical weapons and soldiers from unmentioned countries, though Israel obviously excludes itself from the task force.

Aman evaluated “the USA would be reluctant since its army is still wounded by the two wars initiated by President Bush” (Iraq and Afghanistan). As commented in that article, Brigadier General Ytai Brun failed to understand that the funny thing attached to his shoulders is called “military rank.” In his case, it shows a sword and an olive branch intertwined. It means that he is an IDF brigadier general. He is a soldier and is supposed to fight for his country, not to send others to die for you. The latter is called “cowardice.”

Do Great Flies Cannibalize Lesser ones?

Evil and Devil
Netanyahu and Barak Military Geniuses?I don’t know. Yet, in our case that is an irrelevant fact. The USA Army and the IDF work closely together because they do not belong to the same species of armies. The IDF is a tactical army while its partner works at the strategic level. Major General Yadlin is best known for a single airstrike on Iraq; afterwards he commanded an air force garage. Later on, he shuffled papers as Aman’s commander. Lt. Gen. Barak commanded***the IDF as if it were a “tzevet” (commando team).

I don’t know and don’t care if gigantic flies are cannibals. In this case, the lesser fly is attempting to swallow a giant one. The Cartwright-Yadlin paper is the second attempt in a month to wet the dry cookie. If swallowed, the USA would attack Syria and Iran.

Can Flies be Trusted?

The Cartwright-Yadlin paper summary begins: “After discussing these issues, the president and  prime minister’s advisers suggest that a U.S.-led strike is preferable from a military perspective, since  it would produce affirmative answers to more of the above questions than would an Israeli attack.”

It ends: “In adjourning their respective security meetings, the prime minister and president call for future consultations with a mind toward reconciling their principal goals: (1) delaying the Iranian nuclear  program as much as possible, (2) preserving the international export controls and sanctions regime, and (3) creating favorable diplomatic conditions for denying Iran a nuclear weapon.”

There are two main issues that Iran should note. “Their principal goals” portray an aggressive agenda towards Iran. Please allow me to emphasize: the USA and Israel are cooperating in an aggressive action against Iran. The second issue is a strange point forgotten by the eminent generals: both their countries are nuclear aggressors. Why do they think that they can deny self-defense from a declared victim of their aggression? Bullies don’t die, they just enter the government.

Israeli media don’t get tire of claiming that the threat of an imminent attack is the only thing deterring Iran. Yet, history of the last 500 years teaches one thing: the West invariably attacks, and if possible, it does so first. Questionaries are sent only to corpses. To the shame of a blushing Genghis Khan, in its short history the USA has an impressive average of roughly two aggressions per year. Tactical Israel conducts operations on an almost daily base.

With such a record, Iran can only assume that it would be attacked. The existence of nuclear weapons is not a relevant parameter as it wasn’t for Generalisimo Bush bestial War on Iraq. Ahead of the imminent attack, Iran must defend its people with the only possible deterrence in this ugly game of mutant flies. Go ahead, Iran!

* Gen. James Cartwright, USMC (Ret.), is the Harold Brown chair in defense policy studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

** Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, IDF (Ret.), is director of Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies, former chief of defense intelligence, and one of the eight Israeli fighter pilots to strike the Osiraq nuclear reactor near Baghdad in 1981.

*** Ehud Barak was IDF Chief of Staff between 1991 and 1995. Having served as soldier, officer and commander of Sayeret Matkal, the army’s top commando unit, he was the first Chief of Staff with enough power to tackle the Princes. While entering office he promised to transform the IDF into a “small and smart” army. When he left, the IDF was larger, fatter, and definitely not smarter. Yet, he made order in the commando units scene, his monster-baby. Until he arrived, high quality infantry brigades were controlled directly from the large Commands (North, Central and South) instead of being part of a regular division. Commando units could be found randomly placed in the army’s hierarchy, with Sayeret Matkal being controlled directly by the General Command Headquarters (the Matkal).