Freemason and Illuminati

Fighting rages on between Takfiri insurgents, Syrian army

그리운 오공 2013. 7. 12. 20:49

Fighting rages on between Takfiri insurgents, Syrian army

Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:18PM GMT
Alaa Ebrahim, Press TV, Damascus

Fighting between Takfiri insurgents and the Syrian army rages on across the country. The army is making gains in the western province of Homs, in some eastern parts as well as in areas near the capital Damascus. Our correspondent Alaa Ebrahim is on the ground in Barzeh, Damascus with this report.

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This is Barzeh , the northern gateway of Damascus city and like other parts of Syria it waits for a promised solution for the Syrian crisis , and while some bet on a political solution others work on the ground.

After all else fails when dealing with a Takfiri insurgent sniper stationed in this building, the Syrian army resorts to artillery. The snipers have changed many of the tactics the Syrian troops are using - moving between houses is done mainly through holes linking one apartment to another. 

Tunnels are another challenge for the Syrian Army , officers accompanying us explained how swift maneuvers managed to catch opposition militants off guard preventing them from finishing their fortifications. 

The insurgent were trying to dig a tunnel to ambush the Syrian army but they ran out of time as the army arrived before they completed their work here. 

The fighting in Barzeh is crucial for the control of Damascus : if the Syrian army achieves its goals here it’ll cut right in the middle between two area considered to be strong holds for insurgents Qabun and Harasta and eventually secure Damascus’ main entrance. 

And for the Takfiri insurgents it means being within meters of the Syrian capital controlling its entrance and pointing their weapons at it. 

This wall is the only barrier between these soldiers and insurgents in the next house they open holes to shoot from, cover them and re use them later on. 

These sandbags behind me are the only thing separating us from the inusrgents who less than ten meters away from us , the Syrian army has just arrived to this house and fortified it before moving on with their operation in Barzeh area. 

The strategic location of Barzeh and the essential buildings in it, like Tichreen military hospital ; the Syrian army’s most important medical facility in addition to its links with large areas in Damascus countryside, all these factors make Barzeh an important battle that everyone is determined to win. 

These soldiers asked us to take a picture of them before going into battle saying it might be the last picture for them , they are the ones who best understand the price of this battle.