연예계와 일루미나티의 연관성 375

Britney Spears Forced to Stay Under Conservatorship Due to “Psychological Issues”

Britney Spears Forced to Stay Under Conservatorship Due to “Psychological Issues”By VC | August 27th, 2012 | Category: Latest News | 80 comments In my several articles on Britney Spears, I described how she was one of the most obvious examples of mind control in the entertainment industry. The singer has absolutely no control over her own personal life, much less her profe..


Paul McGuire NewsWithViews During the recent Olympics in Great Britain, the Illuminati communicated, through Satanic ritualsand symbols, an occult message to a global audience. According to Nielsen Media Research, 4.7 billion viewers worldwide (approximately 70% of the global population) viewed it. Although, the vast majority of the audience did not consciously understand the ..

Olympic Closing Ceremony Photo’s The MSM Doesn’t Want To Show You

Rise Earth You know how everyone was talking about a False Flag at the Olympics. What if these ‘shootings’ were the false flags because of future gun control laws, and the planning ofmartial law in America… Everyone was too distracted with all the gold medals and beatingChina in the Olympics. So is it just a conspiracy? For Aurora Colorado Shooting: To James Holmes From ..

The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies

By VC | August 17th, 2012 | Category: Vigilant Reports | 181 comments Watched by almost a billion viewers across all five continents, the 2012 Olympic ceremonies were, for a few hours, the focal point of the world. As is the case for most high-profile media events, the world elite’s messages, symbols and agenda were part of the show. We’ll look at the occult symbolism of t..

[스크랩] JYP 의 조권 노래 제목의 뜻 `I,M DA ONE` `ANIMAL` 무대 뒤 정중앙의 전시안, 백댄서들의 가면의 상징 등.

탈무드에서는 비유태인들은 짐승과 같다고 합니다. 그리고 ONE가 상징하는 의미는 아실테고. 이젠 디 ONx ~전시안 마크의 케이블 방송사도 있지요. 그들의 거대자본은 출판계, 언론계, 예능계, 농업 ...그 밖에도 뻗치지 않은데가 없다고 봅니다.

Wonder Girl’s “Like Money”: Promoting Transhumanisn Through K-Pop

Wonder Girl’s “Like Money”: Promoting Transhumanisn Through K-PopBy VC | August 11th, 2012 | Category: Latest News | 77 comments We’ve seen in previous articles that the concept of transhumanism (which can be defined as the merging of humans and robots) is actively being promoted in mass media, whether it be movies, TV shows, music videos or video games (for articles o..