Economy collapse 531

[스크랩] 미국국토안보부 내부자 - 미국 달러와 전 세계 경제시스템의 붕괴는 계획된 것이다

Alleged DHS insider “It has begun” orchestrated collapse of the U.S. dollar and the entire world’s economic system Posted on March 19, 2013 by END TIME HEADLINES 미국 국토안보부 내부자 - 미국 달러와 전 세계경제시스템의 붕괴는 계획된 것이다 "그것은 시작되었다" Much like my high-level source within the U.S. Department of Homeland Se..

Economy collapse 2013.03.22

Bernanke Increases Fed Propaganda Promoting Continued Stimulus like +2 (0) dislike By Joseph Cafariello Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 Have yo

Bernanke Increases Fed PropagandaPromoting Continued Stimuluslike +2 (0) dislikeBy Joseph Cafariello Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 Have you ever lit a fire in a fireplace or at camp, and then stopped fanning the flames too soon, only to have the fire quickly die out? The next time you attempt it, you are most likely going to spend more time, care, and attention to ensure the fir..

Economy collapse 2013.03.21