Medical science information 658

More evidence regarding the efficacy of plant foods for improving health Learn more:

More evidence regarding the efficacy of plant foods for improving health Friday, July 19, 2013 by: Antonia Tags: plant-based diet, health results, disease prevention 1,16270(NaturalNews) A recent study that appeared in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology discussed the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables to combat excess acid buildup in the kidneys..

Why Do Governments Recommend This Toxic Food Today When They Didn’t A Decade Ago?

Why Do Governments Recommend This Toxic Food Today When They Didn’t A Decade Ago?HEALTH, HEALTHY EATING, HOME, NEWS, NUTRITION, WORLD TRUTH MARCH 28, 2013 4 COMMENTSShare This Article22digg If we analyze the food guide and government advice on nutrition over a decade ago and compare those advisement to what is recommended today, there is one big difference--one specific food..

Moringa oleifera: The miracle tree of the Himalayas Learn more:

Moringa oleifera: The miracle tree of the Himalayas Friday, July 19, 2013 by: Michael Ravensthorpe Tags: moringa oleifera, protein, tree of life 2,23756(NaturalNews) Moringa oleifera is a tree that is native to the Himalayan mountains of northern India. Though it is not well-known in the United States, the tree is treasured in many parts of the world (especially Africa and Sou..