Medical science information 658

Video – Biotech Scientist: It’s ‘Awesome’ That GMOs Cause Infertility, Death

Anthony Gucciardi NaturalSociety The debate as to whether or not genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are causing serioushealth issues like infertility and even death is proclaimed as ‘heated’ and ‘inconclusive’ by themainstream media, but even the very scientistsworking behind the scenes appear to acknowledge the very reality of their effects. In one such communicati..

The Entire Vaccine Industry Is Being Exposed For Unproven Assumptions And Misrepresentations of Data

October 10, 2012 By THE EXALTED TRUTH Leave a Comment by DAVE MIHALOVIC There are no safe vaccines. There never was and never will be with the current misrepresented data and unproven assumptions that have spanned over a century in the making. The fact is, every single vaccine is now being exposed for the lack of demonstrated evidence to actually prevent a single case of disea..