Freemason and Illuminati

[스크랩] 골드만삭스의 세계금융 지배를 위해 자행한 방법

그리운 오공 2011. 1. 21. 21:23


미국 다우지수를 한국 증권시장의 선행지수로 보고 방송으로 발표하는 분들은 아래글을 꼭 읽어보시기 바랍니다


골드만삭스나 모건이 그네 시장을 무엇으로 조작해왔고 시장가담자들이 원하는 지수 수준 유지를 위해 무슨 무지막한 일을 벌였는지 아래 기사의 맥스 카이저 씨는 상세히 고발하고 있습니다

일반 증권사들이 사용하는 컴퓨터 보다 1000배나 빠른 컴퓨터를 써서 삽시간에 내부 조작 거래를 태연히 저질러왔다는 것이고요 미의회를 겁박해서 지속전인 구제금융을 그네에게 공급하라는 유동성 과잉체제를 만들었고 세계 금융이 모두 자기네에게 종속되도록해서 아예 금융 봉건체제를 만들었다는 슬픈이야기 입니다


Guns and Butter
By Max Keiser
Jan 8, 2011 - 1:27:14 AM


Guns and Butter

Max Keiser Audio interview. See:


Ron: I provide herewith some notes taken while listening to this audio interview.

America doesn't have capitalism. Its a kleptocracy.

Banks (notably Goldman Sachs and J. P. Morgan et al) and large Hedge funds etc, use computerised trading to set prices and manipulate markets ALL THE TIME, such that there are NO genuine stock and share markets and much the same situation pertains in commodity markets. In effect the major banks and their ilk are constantly and consistently stealing money from stock and share markets using computers programmed to amke markets and profit from movements both up and down. Moreover, Banks make much bigger profits much more quickly when markets crash than they do in Bull markets because the price movements are much greater and occur much more quickly. This situation was set in train as a result of the US repudiating its liabilities under the Gold Standard and initiating fiat currency globally, in 1971. Under the fiat system introduced in 1971 prices are just a matter of propaganda. Markets are plastic. They can be shaped any way you want them. In effect, the Banks use of computerised trading in stocks, shares and such is just one of its methods of wealth confiscation* designed to keep most people enslaved.[* Ron: Along with unlawful income taxation and other forms of taxation, and unlawful government levies, licence fees and charges etc.]

Banks, bailouts and manufactured market crashes.


'If you don't do as we say we're gonna crash the market.'

The market cerashes initiated by the banksters in October 2008 and May 2009 and more recently were done deliberately. The banksters' spokesman say to the US Congress give us the bailout and/or don't legislate reforms etc (as the case may be) OR WE WILL CRASH THE MARKET. And the US Congress and Administration invariably gives the Banks what they want no matter what the cost to the people of the nation. Central banks all do this. The result is growing social unrest and bankruptcies. The ultimate purpose is to return 99% of the global population to overt feudal status - the situation which obtained before the Black Death plague in Europe killed so many people that feudal Lords were forced to pay wages and to compete for labourers. Ron: Of course our world is already subject to free range serfdom 하략...



작성자: 피터김


출처 : 프리메이슨 연구모임(프.연.모)
글쓴이 : 주장군 원글보기
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