연예계와 일루미나티의 연관성

Our Guess: Why Robin Williams Killed Himself?

그리운 오공 2014. 8. 15. 13:23

Our Guess: Why Robin Williams Killed Himself?

MADRID, 28 Jul. 2014 (EUROPA PRESS) -

Sent in By Dick Eastman


Editor's note: I knew Robin Williams. We had only met a few times, years ago. He exuded anger and passion even those many decades ago. His films always represented humanity. Is it a reasonable statement that watching what we are seeing today was too much for him, Gaza, ISIS, vanishing airliners and the sea of blatant lies we are subjected to? What decent person could survive Hollywood?

We have reached a new level of insanity. The ADL has sent out "talking points" asking their "constituents," creeps, toadies, trolls and untermenschen, to write nasty little emails to journalists who tell the truth about the Israeli genocide. We are being called "Jew haters."

The ADL has decided, speaking on behalf of the world's Jewish population, that being "Jewish" and murdering children are one in the same." Attacking child killers is "Jew hating." If Jews around the world are willing to quietly accept this label and accept Foxman's use of them in support of war crimes and genocide, the label should stick.

Thus far, many have spoken up, not enough but many.

Let us not forget the others, even Vladimir Putin is silent on Gaza. We have defined, not "Jewishness" as a criminal cult but something far broader. If humanity is a herd to be culled, then those not deserving of the oxygen they are wasting are now defining themselves. Consider this a rare gift, having the opportunity to look around and see the ignorant, the sub-human stand to be identified. We at Veterans Today know that 99% aren't Jews and that silence is now and will always be the real crime against humanity...Gordon Duff ]



The Letter:

In the horror happening right now  in Gaza there is NO place for distance or neutrality. It’s a war of occupation  and extermination waged against a people with no means, confined in a minimum  territory, with no water, and where hospitals , ambulances, and children are  targets and presumed to be terrorists. It’s hard to understand and impossible to  justify. And it’s disgraceful that western countries are permitting such  genocide.

I can’t understand this  barbarism, even more cruel and incomprehensible considering all of the horrible  things the Jewish people have gone through in the past. only geopolitical  alliances, that hypocritical mask of business -for example, the sale of weapons-  explains the shameful position taken by the U.S., the E.U. and  Spain.

I know that as usual certain people will discredit my right to  express my opinion with personal attacks, which is why I would like to clarify  the following points:

Yes, my son was born in a  Jewish hospital because I have very dear close friends who are Jewish and  because being Jewish does not automatically mean you support this massacre, just  like being Hebrew does not mean you are a Zionist, just like being Palestinian  does not automatically make you a Hamas terrorist. That’s just as absurd as  saying that being German makes you Nazi. Yes, I also work in the U.S. where I  have a lot of Jewish friends and acquaintances who reject such interventions and  the politics of aggression. “You can’t call it self-defense while you’re  murdering children,” one of them said on the phone to me yesterday. And others  with whom I openly debate our conflicting positions.

Yes, I’m European and I’m  ashamed of the European Community that claims to represent me with its silence  and its utter shamelessness. Yes, I live in Spain and I pay my taxes and I  don’t want my money to finance policies that support this barbarism and the arms  industry along with other countries that get rich murdering innocent  children.

Yes, I’m outraged, ashamed and  hurt by all of this injustice and human beings getting killed. Those children  are our children. It’s horrendous. I can only hope that those who kill will find  it in their hearts to show compassion and be cured of this murderous poison  which only breeds more hate and violence. That those Israelis and Palestinians  who only dream of peace and coexistence can some day find a solution  together.

Javier Bardem.


Some of Spain’s most influential cultural icons have  signed an open letter denouncing Israel’s assault on Gaza as  “genocide.”

Hollywood producers have signaled a potential  blackballing of actress Penelope Cruz and her husband, actor Javier Bardem,  after the Spanish couple criticized Israel for its offensive on  Gaza.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a US-based Jewish  human rights group, responded with a statement saying Israel “did not start this  war”. “It did what every country on this planet, including Spain, would do if  hundreds of rockets were hurled at their population centres by an  internationally known terrorist organisation,” said founder Rabbi Marvin  Hier.

One “top producer” who has worked with Cruz anonymously told  The  Hollywood Reporter that he would never hire her again. 

Another top executive said he is “furious at Javier and  Penelope” and could not say whether he would ever work with the Oscar  winners in the future.

One studio leader was willing to publicly state his  views.


Billionaire Producer Ryan Kavanaugh  speaks out against Penelope Cruz “Anti-Semitism or Ignorance” and his preference  for Hollywood and Tel Aviv over Gaza and Hamas.

“As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, I know that anyone  calling what’s going on in Israel ‘genocide’ vs. self-defense is either ignorant  and shouldn’t be commenting or is truly anti-Semitic.” said Relativity  Media chief executive Ryan Kavanaugh. 

Kavanaugh had previously told The  Hollywood Reporter that the letter “makes my blood boil.” He now says  that he received more than 500 calls, emails, and texts in approval of his  comments in the 24 hours after his comments were published. He said that support  included top Hollywood executives.


“How can a  Hollywood community so tolerant … tolerate this utter tyranny?” asks the CEO of  Relativity Media, who challenges celebrities with anti-Israel views on the  conflict in the Middle East

If  you’re a woman, gay, Christian, Jewish or just non-Muslim and reading this, be  thankful you don’t live in Gaza. Not only would you not be allowed to read this,  you probably would be publicly executed.
If you’ve ever voiced an opinion that  isn’t shared by Hamas publicly or merely attended a meeting where people are  discussing anything Hamas does not support, be thankful you don’t live in Gaza,  as you probably would be publicly executed. In fact, a half-dozen unarmed  peaceful protestors were beheaded this month, on camera. Anyone who wishes to  see can do so via the Internet, with a minimal amount of  work.
Be  thankful you live in and around Hollywood. Hollywood is a special place; a place  filled with creative geniuses — actors, screenwriters, directors, sound  engineers, computer graphics specialists, lighting experts and so on. Working  together, great art happens.
But in the end, all artists depend on  diverse audiences who can enjoy, be inspired by and support their work. Without  audiences, artists would be doing something else, and their creative and  technical skills would fall on absent  eyes.
What a shame that would be. Which is why  we are left to wonder: Why, in a community that celebrates the human spirit and  the right to share opinions via art, do some celebrities express opinions that  Hamas would support in its war against Israel. Israel is perhaps the closest  free-thinking place to Hollywood.
Israel  is a wonderful place to be an artist — a place where imagination flourishes.  Israeli culture is refreshingly avant garde — making films, music, performance  art and visual art that continues to push the envelope, inspire and  empower.
And  not just in the arts. Israel is a place of inventors and innovators. Much of our  hyperconnected, digital world is made possible by the work of groundbreaking  Israeli technologists. These are people who reject the status quo — in a truly  good and powerful manner. In short, Israel is one of the most creative nations  on the planet, in every dimension of life — invention, research, technology and  yes, the arts.
I ask any of Israel’s Hollywood critics … have  you been to Tel Aviv?
It is an arts mecca. You would be  hard-pressed to find a city anywhere in the world that is more similar in spirit  to Los Angeles. It has energetic streets, an extraordinary music and film scene,  and one of the world’s most vibrant centers of gay culture. Rejected in their  own communities and countries, Arab homosexuals frequently move there, because  they are welcome there. When actors visit Tel Aviv, they always come back and  tell us how warmly embraced they felt there.
So when we see some in Hollywood — truly gifted artists and  good people — aligning themselves with views that would be supported by Hamas,  which fires rockets frequently and indiscriminately at innocent Tel Aviv  citizens, we have to wonder what they’re thinking. Are they  thinking?
War  is a tragic and horrific reality in the region. We understand that many are  moved by the images of destruction and violence and loss. All of us know that  the loss of innocent human life is a tragedy when and wherever it takes place.  You don’t have to be an artist to be empathetic.
Yet we humbly ask that they consider the  consequences of siding openly with views supported by Hamas — not the least of  which is giving prominent credibility and propaganda victories to one of the  most anti-Western, anti-creative, violent forces on the planet. We ask that  these Hollywood celebrities, leading artists and globally respected icons of  their craft pay closer attention to the world of Hamas — a world of fanaticism.  It’s the world of the Muslim Brotherhood. A world where individual freedoms,  especially the freedom to create art, is repressed severely.
Hamas  has created a society in Gaza that openly celebrates the death of innocent men,  women and children. While Israel uses its missiles to protect its children,  Hamas uses its children to protect its missiles. The true tragedy? This could be  avoided. Hamas need only stop firing rockets and let Israel exist in  peace.
But Hamas continues to fire, because it is  virulently committed to killing Jews and destroying Israel. Period. Genocide is  the stated policy of Hamas. This is not opinion but their self-stated charter.  In fact, this is a charter which all of Hamas is required to follow. A line from  the charter says, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will  obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
Hamas also encourages and facilitates the  inhumane treatment of women as property and second-class citizens — and among  Hamas’ supporters are many who force preteen girls to marry men. In Gaza and  other places ruled by the same tyranny, gays are lynched and Christians, if they  refuse conversion, are beheaded.
How can a Hollywood community so tolerant  … tolerate this utter tyranny?
I know we as community do not stand for  this type of oppression. Many of you have boycotted the Beverly Hills Hotel  because it is owned by the Sultan of Brunei. Why? Because Brunei is supposedly  governed by Sharia law. But Sharia law is enforced strictly by Hamas, yet we  remain silent — or worse. I would propose there is only one answer: Anyone who  has actually visited Gaza and seen the truths Hamas stands for, would not only  be supporting Israel but violently opposing Hamas.
My grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, used  to say, “Remember Ryan … remember this happened. Remember that the U.S. stood by  and allowed Hitler to take over Poland and so many other countries, and  slaughter 6 million Jews.” It took five years before the U.S. did anything, and  one-third of the Jewish population was captured and killed. Remember the very  streets in London with rallies chanting “Free Palestine” are the same streets  where some British citizens rallied and chanted in favor of the Nazis. And  remember our government did nothing.
President Barack Obama has said  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is “sincere in his desire for peace,” even  though Abbas denied the Holocaust occurred until recently, when he shifted his  public position on the issue as he was being promoted as a moderate statesman to  broker peace.
My friend, Congressman Ed Royce, chairman  of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, recently told me, “Congress is  steadfast in its support of Israel and absolutely and completely condemns Hamas.  In fact, Congress recently unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution condemning  Hamas for its use of human shields.”
So here is a modest proposal for our  Hollywood colleagues to consider before they weigh in on the conflict in the  Middle East — or anywhere, for that matter. Ask yourselves the following  questions:
Where can my artistic work be seen and  enjoyed without censorship or restriction?
Where would I feel comfortable working and  living? Where would I feel comfortable having my daughter begin a career as an  artist? Where could I openly mock, in my art, the political or religious  leadership of a country without fear of imprisonment — or worse? If you  decided Gaza or Palestine, and actually moved there and practiced any of the  above, you would no longer be alive.
Consider this: one-fifth of Israel’s  population is Arab; they are among the freest Arabs in the world. Yet no Jews  live in Gaza. Why? They would immediately be killed.  (Editor’s note:  60 years ago, 85% of Israel’ population was “Arab.”  Where are they now?”"
And so I ask you … in what world are we  better off with Hamas?
If Israel were to put down its arms  tomorrow, Israel would be decimated and all its citizens killed within 24 hours.  If Hamas were to put down its arms tomorrow, there would be immediate  peace.
The sad part is that every time both sides  have agreed to a cease fire, Hamas immediately fires.
Ryan Kavanaugh is the founder  and CEO of Relativity and recipient of the Anti-Defamation League’s  Entertainment Industry Award.
How Israel targeted the children of Gaza http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/how-israel-targeted-children-gaza ”We are seeing how Jews treat everybody when power is in their  hands.  As long as any gentile has anything which a Jew covets this is the  unjust use of force we will be seeing everywhere.  They don’t want you  talking to each other about this — or you will get yours right  now.
