Economy collapse 531

[스크랩] Wiley, 이제 디트로이트는 파산했다. 다음은 어느 도시일까? -ZH

Now That Detroit’s Gone Bust, Is Your City Next? Wiley, 이제 디트로이트는 파산했다. 다음은 어느 도시일까? -ZH 2013년 7월 20일 Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge 출처: Cyniconomics blog의 F.F. Wiley가 작성. 디트로이트의 파산 신청은 우울한 소식이다. 가난, 범죄, 질병 – 당신은 다양한 사..

Economy collapse 2013.07.31

The Federal Reserve Is Bailing Out Foreign Banks … More than the American People or Economy

The Federal Reserve Is Bailing Out Foreign Banks … More than the American People or EconomyBy Washington's BlogGlobal Research, July 28, 2013Washington's BlogRegion: USATheme: Global Economy 303 522 8 1123 Federal Reserve Policy Mainly Benefits Big Foreign Banks We’ve extensively documented that the Federal Reserve is intentionally locking up bank money so that it is not l..

Economy collapse 2013.07.29

Paul Krugman and the ‘Peculiarity’ of Austrian Economists’ Ability to Predict How Monetary Inflation Distorts the Market

Paul Krugman and the ‘Peculiarity’ of Austrian Economists’ Ability to Predict How Monetary Inflation Distorts the MarketJeremy R. HammondJuly 25, 2013Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, luminaries of the Austrian school of economics In yet another vain attempt to discredit Austrian economics, Paul Krugman tries in a recent blog post to attribute to the Austrian school ..

Economy collapse 2013.07.25