Medical science information 658

Prescription Drugs Kill Over 100,000 People Each Year, Are You Being Medicated Incorrectly?

Prescription Drugs Kill Over 100,000 People Each Year, Are You Being Medicated Incorrectly?ALTERNATIVE HEALTH, HEALTH, MIND CONTROL, NEWS, WORLD TRUTH JUNE 29, 2013 0 COMMENTSShare This Article1 “Death by medicine is a twenty-first century epidemic, and America’s war on drugs is clearly directed at the wrong enemy.” –Dr. Joseph Mercola [2] I have briefly focused on..

MSG & Aspartame Are the Two Leading Causes of Central Nervous System Damage in the United States

MSG & Aspartame Are the Two Leading Causes of Central Nervous System Damage in the United StatesBLOG, HEALTH, HEALTHY EATING, HOME, NEWS, NUTRITION, WORLD TRUTH MARCH 1, 2013 1 COMMENTShare This Article85Excitotoxins, as they are appropriately named, are supposed to enhance flavor and excite your taste buds, but this “class” of chemicals overstimulate neuron receptors, whi..

Omega-3 fatty acid compound found to halt cancerous tumor growth and metastasis Learn more:

Omega-3 fatty acid compound found to halt cancerous tumor growth and metastasis Tuesday, June 25, 2013 by: John Phillip Tags: omega-3 fatty acids, cancer, tumors 1,66621(NaturalNews) Mainstream media sources continue to trumpet headlines about the decline in cancer rates leading many to believe that modern medicine has conquered this devastating disease through a systematic re..