Medical science information 658

Vitamin C can kill every virus known to mankind Learn more:

Vitamin C can kill every virus known to mankind Friday, June 14, 2013 by: Jonathan Landsman Tags: vitamin C, virus, Dr. Thomas Levy 3,88449(NaturalNews) If you suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness, achy joints and muscles, bleeding gums or leg rashes - you could be vitamin C deficient. Everything from the common cold to cancer can't resist the healing power of vitamin C. In fa..

For Most Foods, The Faster It Spoils, The Healthier It Is – The Toxic Preservation of Food Is Killing Us

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease The food industry has created an era of convenience for consumers through packaged, preserved, emulsified, pasteurized, sterilized, irradiated and chemically altered foods. It’s not an exact science, but generally speaking the faster afood spoils, the higher the nutrient density it contains. Living foods will perish within days to weeks while pr..

Why fast food is not fit for human consumption Learn more:

Why fast food is not fit for human consumption Wednesday, June 12, 2013 by: Rich Stossel Tags: Fast Food Nation, processed foods, human consumption 3,76132(NaturalNews) While most people are aware that fast food is not the healthiest food around, they often choose to ignore it in favor of the convenience, taste or cost. However, fast food is far worse than most people are even..