Medical science information 658

You Might Want To Put The Brakes On Your Next Trip To The Fast Food Drive-Through. Here's Why.

You Might Want To Put The Brakes On Your Next Trip To The Fast Food Drive-Through. Here's Why.MR.HOctober 11, 20130BrakesDrive-ThroughfoodMightHealthy LivingPreviousNextI know we’re kind of not the norm, but our family doesn’t eat fast food. My kids don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything … because they’re not. Well, maybe they’re missing out on excessive..

If WiFi and Cell Phone Radiation are Safe, why has Belgium’s Telecomm Boss Banned them from his offices?

If WiFi and Cell Phone Radiation are Safe, why has Belgium’s Telecomm Boss Banned them from his offices?ALTERNATIVE HEALTH, HEALTH, NEWS, WORLD TRUTH JANUARY 16, 2013 3 COMMENTSShare This Article With Others By: Lloyd Burrell 99 percent of the population continue to use WiFi and other wireless devices without a second thought, but a growing number of people are becoming incr..