Medical science information 658

The 5 Most Repeated Health Myths That Medical Doctors Have No Intention on Abandoning

The 5 Most Repeated Health Myths That Medical Doctors Have No Intention on AbandoningBLOG, CONSPIRACY THEORIES, HEALTH, ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY, MIND CONTROL, NEWS, WHAT IS ILLUMINATI, WORLD TRUTH JANUARY 4, 2013 0 COMMENTSShare This Article with OthersinShare3digg By MARCO TORRES There are more health myths propagated by the media and conventional medicine today than there ever..

Shocking Findings in New GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime of GM Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors

Shocking Findings in New GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime of GM Corn Grow Horrifying TumorsBLOG, GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS, HEALTH, NEWS SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 0 COMMENTSShare This Article with OthersinShare24diggShocking Findings in New GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime of GM Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors, 70% of Females die early. Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming t..