Siener van Rensburg: Visions of the Future
What do a Boer’s words from South Africa in 1926 have to say about today’s world?
Nicolaas Pieter Johannes “Siener” van Rensburg (August 30, 1862 – March 11, 1926) was a Boer from the South African Republic -also known as the Transvaal Republic- and later a citizen of South Africa who is seen by some as a prophet of the Boere (or Afrikaners). Therefore his nickname soon became Siener, which is Afrikaans for “seer” or “soothsayer”. His seemingly accurate predictions of future events were typically wrapped in religious patriotism.
The nature of his visions invariably concerned the welfare of the Boere and Germany and were experienced by him as visual imagery to be interpreted afterwards. When the image of the Sisal plant occurred in his visions, he for instance interpreted this as a portend of an important meeting, assembly or parliament. He is believed by some to have made many accurate predictions of local events, including foretelling the death of Koos de la Rey, a general in the Second Boer War, and the political transition of South Africa after his own death. At times his visions also concerned international events, among which the start of World War I and the rise of Communism. He was unable to interpret some of his own visions. These, written down, are still open to interpretation, and believed by some to pertain to future events.
Early years
He was born in the district of Potchefstroom. He only received 20 days of formal school training and spent much of his youth as a cattle herder. At age 16 he participated in a government expedition against the rebellious tribal leader Mapog. He settled near Wolmaranstad in the then western ZAR, and married Anna Sophia Kruger in 1884.
Participation in wars
Nicolaas van Rensburg participated in the second Anglo-Boer War under General du Toit. When time allowed, he then revealed the visions to those around him. He returned to his farm before the end of the war. When the Union of South Africa came out in support of the Allied Powers in World War I, Nicolaas van Rensburg joined the rebels. The rebellion received a fatal blow even before it started, when the influential general Koos de la Rey was accidentally killed on September 15, 1914. The rebellion petered out and most rebels, van Rensburg included, were eventually captured and imprisoned for two years.
After his release Nicolaas van Rensburg returned to his farm. His daughter recorded his continuing visions up to his death at age 64. The van Rensburg family cemetery is located 11 km from Ottosdal, in the North West Province.
Prophecies from 1899 until his death in 1926:
* The outcome of the Boer War.
* The Great ‘Flu epidemic of 1918.
* England’s loss of all her colonies.
* Independence for Ireland.
* The atomic disaster at Chernobyl on April 26 1986.
* Lady Di’s death The divorce and tragic death of “a beautiful English Lady in a car accident who would be mourned by the whole world.”
* Civil war in Bosnia.
* Dr HF Verwoerd, former Prime Minister, will die at the hand of a close friend.
* The release of Nelson Mandela by ex-President FW de Klerk.
* The Necklace Murders by blacks against blacks
* South Africa will be governed by a black government.
Not fulfilled yet (scan the topics and read what you wish)
* Japan will be destroyed by earthquakes.
* Ethnical violence in Russia and Europe
Actually, this does seem to be in formation. Muslims in Europe already are changing the population profile. They represent a different religion and a race (Arab) within Europe. Whatever they protest about, will affect the countries they are in. I expect them to turn Europe against Israel, which has been the object of their wrath for thousands of years.
* Racial violence will explode worldwide at the turn of the century and start World War III, in which Germany and America will fight side by side.
* Laser weapons?: It is a chilling experience to read about his predictions in 1920 of this coming Third and Final War at the beginning of the 21st century when the armies of the world will use what he called “terrible electrical rays that sow death and destruction from above and below, and soak the earth in blood”.
*** This could be an EMP attack, which knocks out the electrical grid over countries.
The old prophet described the events on the battlefields of the world in such detail as though he himself had been an eye-witness.
In 1918 Rensburg prophesied:
“I see there will be a time when the whole world will be ploughed under. This will be the beginning of the Third – and last – World War and everything will be in confusion.
Then I saw a snake lying on the ploughed land. I could not see its head or tail.
Because of this decision his visions and prophecies have been preserved and have now become known throughout South Africa, and the following words are becoming part of the Afrikaner nation’s daily discussions: “‘Seer’ Van Rensburg said so….”Seer Van Rensburg was visited frequently by prominent figures in South Africa, such as General JC Smuts, a former Prime Minister of South Africa, during his lifetime. In 1916 General Smuts, past Prime Minister of South Africa, as well as General J.B.M. Hertzog, gave witness before a Parliamentary Committee regarding the truth of this old Boer prophet’s visions.
However, the same Jan Smuts, not only prohibited distribution of the prophecies during World War 2, but when a friend of the Boer Prophet, Boy Mussmann, tried to publish them secretly, he was attacked by the police and the visions were confiscated.
Because of the controversial nature of his visions, the old Boer Prophet is today still the centre of many heated debates.
Shortly after the 1992 Referendum in South Africa, a prophecy by Van Rensburg, that a future Afrikaner leader would one day hand over power to the blacks, caused a fist-fight in Parliament.
After a vision on December 1917 and March 1918, he saidimmorality will increase throughout the world; he saw how a disease broke out in Africa as a result and mainly blacks dying from it.
It spreads throughout the world, but whites are relatively untouched by it.
He saw an old little ‘kaffir’ dressed in women’s clothing sit in Europe and droppings roll off him to the West (he is totally infected with this disease and the Western nations will also be infected).
Kaffir, kaffer or kafir, which once was a blanket term for black southern Africans (seeKaffir (historical usage in southern Africa)), is now utilized exclusively as an ethnic or racial slur. The original meaning of the word was ‘heathen‘, unbeliever or infidel, from the Arabic Kafir.
This was the first vision the Seer had which predicted worldwide decadence, immorality and pornography, also referring to a horrendous sexually transmitted disease’ as result. At that time nobody knew of the existence of Aids.
Divorce and death of Princess Diana
According to Professor A.G. Raath of the University of the Orange Free State, the Boer prophet predicted Prince Charles’ and Princess Diana’s divorce in January 1919.
The Seer said “a divorce was hanging over the head of a very renowned British lady of ‘noble birth’ (Diana). And when she dies, we prepare for a big election..”
Van Rensburg said “when he sees ripe wheat, it means an election is on the cards.” And this is exactly what happened! A few days after Princess Diana’s death on 29th August 1997, the first election shots were fired by the NP and ANC.
In three important visions in January 1916 & September 1920, he not only saw how Diana would be stripped of everything after her divorce, but that her sudden death would plunge the whole of England into mourning. He further said that there would be dirty tricks involved in her death, and that she would die in a car accident. The scandal, he said, which she brought over the Royal House was the reason she had to die. Among other things, there were rumours that Diana was expecting her Arab lover’s child and that she would marry him shortly.
South Africa
1960-1994, the South African government loses more and more grip on situations and circumstances because they ‘forgot’ their Lord and God that gave them the country in the first place.e.g.: daily opening prayer in parliament was abolished in 1972 for the sake of Muslims and Hindus.
1994 – Mr. van Rensburg correctly prophesied the release of Mr. Mandela, it’s political ties (communism) and thefalse and violent ‘peace’ that the man and it’s party ‘preaches’.
1994 until the death of Nelson Mandela: the era in which the Boerevolk (Afrikaners) lose their power in parliament, get persecuted, murdered and alienated from their origin/roots. note: South Africa has got with the ANC a 70% party; therefore it hardly can be called a democracy.
The death of Nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of Nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur, and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: Zimbabwe type of actions).
These actions are however short lived; the revolt is quenched in a border town called Prieska and the people causing the revolt then are scattered. Mr. van Rensburg has prophesied that weapons will be transported over a railway line to that town; that railway has been completed last year.
During the time of that new government the Lord will return and establish His Millennial reign on the Earth, but also very big trouble will be upon the earth, and as a result many European refugees will flee to South Africa.
The second coming of the Lord being a jubilee year it’ll cause the borders of South Africa to extent beyond Zimbabwe and Namibia. Striking details in his dreams and prophecies are known, and symbols reoccurring in his visions are consistent and can be with relative ease correctly interpreted.
The World (especially England, France and USA)
America and England will become bankrupt and full of debts.
*England will be struck by 7 plagues when World War 3 is at hand.
England will be totally annihilated, even their ground will burn away as a Russian-led invasion will invade Europe, through Turkey, and use terrible weapons.
The invasion will be stopped in France by German-American forces. Mr. van Rensburg actually made a remark that Germany will receive new ‘ground-breaking’ technology from America that they (the Germans) will use to defeat the Russian invasion; the USA will be unable to respond in a timely manner because of a severe attack on their troops, ground and finances.
Mr. van Rensburg also indicated that the trouble for South Africa will be much shorter lived when compared to other countries also less troublesome, as the Lord will send His power and blessing causing South Africa to be a safe-haven for Christians from all over the world.
You can view a documentary on Siener van Rensburg here:
Wikipedia: Siener van Rensburg
Siener van Rensburg – Adriaan Snyman and
Other Modern Prophecies about America
Imminent Predictions about the USA Click here for more
Dimitru Duduman – “America will burn” Click here for more
Siener van Rensburg: Visions for Africa, Europe, and America– Boer perspective Click here for more
George Washington’s Vision Click here for more
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