Medical science information 658

Grape Seed Extract Disables Virus Responsible For Half of All Food-Born Illnesses

Grape Seed Extract Disables Virus Responsible For Half of All Food-Born IllnessesNovember 9, 2012 By THE EXALTED TRUTH Leave a Norovirus causes more than half of all food-born illnesses in the United States, and is the second greatest source of reported food borne illness outbreaks in the European Union. Researchers from Belgium found that grape seed ..

Aspartame Associated with Increased Risk of Blood Cancers in Long-Term Human Study

Dr. Mercola Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in diet soda and over 6,000 other sugar-free or “diet” products. New research linking aspartame to cancer in some individuals has sparked a flurry of commentary, including an “apology” from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard Universityteaching facility, for promoting the results. I first found out about the s..