Medical science information 658

These five superfoods are scientifically proven to halt the spread of breast cancer

Ethan A. Huff NaturalNewsThough there is little meaningful talk about this important subject in the mainstream media, cancer prevention is something that every single person needs to be thinking about, especially in light of the excess of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), environmental chemicals, and other modern exposures linked to rapidly rising rates ofthis deadly dise..

These five superfoods are scientifically proven to halt the spread of breast cancer

November 5, 2012 By THE EXALTED TRUTH Leave a Comment by: Ethan A. Huff (NaturalNews) Though there is little meaningful talk about this important subject in the mainstream media, cancer prevention is something that every single person needs to be thinking about, especially in light of the excess of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), environmental chemicals, and other moder..