Medical science information 658

Every Bit of Junk Food, Fast Food Damages Your Arteries, Paves Way for Coronary Artery Disease

Lisa Garber Think just one burger won’t do any damage? Not so, according to a University of Montreal study, which shows that even one meal high in saturated fat damages arteries. Dr. Anil Nigam, Director of Research at theCardiovascular Prevention and Rehabiliation Centre (EPIC) of the university-affiliated Montreal Heart Institute co-authored the study comparing the health ..

Election predictions: The candidate in favor of GMOs, bankster bailouts and corporate domination will win!

Mike Adams Naturalnews I’m going to make a bold prediction about the outcome of the upcoming U.S. election: The winnerwill be the guy who supports GMOs and bankster bailouts. Which candidate is this? Well BOTH of them, of course. In fact, I’m also 100% sure the winner will be the candidate who is in favor of going to war with Iran. The winner will also be the guy in favor ..