Jewish state orders military fuel from U.S. Defense Department
기록상 이스라엘이 미국방부로부터 군용 연료를 최대치로 주문하여 군사공격 가능성의 그 농도가 짙어지는 상황이다. 8월 초, JP-8 제트 연료 284,000 갤런을 주문했고 디젤과 가솔린 모두 십만 갤론을 주문했으나 해병대 소령 크리스 페린은 어찌 사용할지는 부적절하다며 밝히지 않은 상태지만 한 국가를 공격하는데는 더 많은 연료를 필요로 한다고만 덧붙여 밝혔다. 이스라엘의 군사공격 가능성은 이란뿐 아니라 하마스와 헤즈볼라와의 지역전쟁도 포함될 것이라는 추측이 증가.
예루살렘 포스트의 칼럼니스트 캐롤라인 글릭은 군사적인 관점에서 관찰하길 목적달성을 위한 공격이 지연될수록 이스라엘이 갈수록 어려워질 것이라고 평가. 에후드 바락 국방장관에게 많은 비난의 화살이 쏠리는 싯점인데 글릭은 국방장관의 자질부족은 전설적이라고 폄하, 이란은 이미 핵무기 1~2기 분량의 저농축 우라늄을 축적해 온 것으로 유엔 핵사찰은 보고 있음에도 백악관은 이란의 핵무기 여부에 관심을 두지 않는 상황이라 이스라엘의 단독 공격을 추측하는 증가량을 보이는 것.
Increasing speculation it may be preparing for a military assault on Iran or a regional war involving Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, Israel has placed its largest order of military fuel with the United States on record. The Jewish state, earlier this month, ordered 284,000 gallons of JP-8 aviation jet fuel, 100,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 100,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline ? all suitable for military uses ? at an estimated cost of $2 billion. "It would be inappropriate for us to comment about what actions Israel may take or how they will use their fuel," Marine Corps Major Chris Perrine, a public affairs officer at the Department of Defense, told WND. "I would note, however, that it would take a lot more than fuel to attack a country or wage a regional war." Read about the developing drumbeats, in "The Late Great State of Israel" The sale was detailed in an Aug. 5 notification the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense posted on its website, in compliance with the requirement to give Congress advance notice of foreign military sales. "The proposed sale of the JP-8 aviation fuel will enable Israel to maintain the operational capability of its aircraft inventory," the notification to Congress said. "The unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel will be used for ground forces' vehicles and other equipment used in keeping peace and security in the region. Israel will have no difficulty absorbing this additional fuel into its armed forces." By comparison, the last fuel order Israel placed with the U.S. was July 15, 2008, when Israel ordered 186,000 gallons of JP-8 aviation jet fuel, 54,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 28,000 gallons of unleaded gasolineat an estimated cost of $1.3 billion. Prior to that, Israel ordered 90,000 gallons of JP-8 aviation jet fuel and 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel Aug. 24, 2007, for an estimated cost of $308 million; and an unspecified amount of JP-8 aviation jet fuel July 14, 2006, for an estimated cost of $210 million.
작성자 : Dimones
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